My slave has misbehaved. And if he wanted a punishment, he is going to get it! I made him sit outside for 45 minutes to get ready for my cigarette smoke break between filming clips at Mean Girl Manor. He has to just sit there with my lighter and cigarettes on his head until I was good and ready to relax with my smoke. Well, I have a little surprise for this dumb slave A big can of dawgg food! Yes, I think he knew I was going to make him eat my cigarette ashes and even the butt. However, I think the disgusting puppie chow was a nice bonus! Lol! Of course, I needed to add some of my delicious princess SPIT to the food and some spit directly into his face! My favorite part is when I spit right in its dawgg food and then stub my cigarette out in it, then make him eat it right in front of me and THANK me for the meal I have prepared for it LOL. Enjoy your meal, loser!
Lots of spit in this one! :)
-Princess Cindi
I look so sweet and pretty in my sparkly little dress. I am a princess- and as such, I need pathetic slaves that will kneel at my FEET as I smoke my cigarette. I make my newest slave sit there with his tongue out as I list all the ways that I am going to make his dreams come true by letting him have the PRIVILEGE of serving me. He knows he will be eating all my ashes, but I dont think he knew he would be eating a cigarette butt too, lol! I made sure and give him a nice, hot cherry to burn into his tongue a reminder of how little I care about his pathetic, inferior life.
-Princess Cindi
Princess Cindi and I want to hear this loser literally BEG for our cigarette ashes... no wait, we also want his cock hard first! That's how we will hear the most desperate pleas for our ashes in his mouth. After all, he needs to be really worked up if we are going to grind our hot cherries out on his tongue. We want him to get it nice and slow so we can make him appreciate the grinding action of the hot tip of our cigarettes on his permanently damaged tongue. Haha. Oh and we also throw in a few kicks to its balls for good measure too, haha!
-Goddess Harley
Ohhh, can you imaging being as lucky as this slave??? He was whipped, ballbusted and *** to grovel and worship our feet for an hour straight! The exaustion and endorphins have left him in an other worldly state. But just then, Me and Princess Carmela apprach him and tease and prod him into stroking himself while looking at our bodies up close and personal. How personal??? Well, I have my porn star foot on his cock and balls while Carmela coos and give him a ton of humiliating attention, LOL. This could be you if you apply and follow the F.A.Q. info be an on camera slave here in Los Angeles, California USA.
Featuring Princess Carmela and Goddess Raven
Categories: Smoking, Goddess Worship, Ignore, Femdom POV
Goddess Harley and I have trained this slave to open his mouth every time we step on his dick- just like a real foot pedal garbage can! lol Oh, and every time we kick its nuts he has to SWALLOW! Our cigarette ashes, our butts- whatever we have deposited on his tongue.
Goddess Harley is so helpful in continuing his training. She is smoking 2 cigarettes at once just to have more fun ashing in his mouth lol. I think the icing on the cake was when she ground both of those cigarettes into his tongue at the same time when she was putting them out. :)
It's that simple, really. We are PRETTY PEOPLE. And UGLY people are put on this earth to SERVE Us. That is their PURPOSE in life. It is why they were CREATED- to be tools that We can use to make OUR lives easier and more enjoyable.
And We explain that concept to this loser point-blank right to his ugly face. And being the good little loser that he is, he ADMITS it and just ACCEPTS that this is his place in life- to be USED by pretty girls like US for whatever We want.
And right now beautiful Princess Cindi wants to use his ugly face as her ASHTRAY. Hahahaha. And we explain to him that he is LUCKY to even be used like this by her- and he AGREES! Which just makes Us laugh even more...
FEATURING: Empress Jennifer, Princess Cindi
We are taking a smoke break out in the garage between clips- and yet we are still tormenting a slave lol. This thing is in its cage and we need an ashtray- like NOW! So me n Cindi have fun flicking our ashes directly into it mouth and eventually putting our cigs out on its tongue before we go back in to shoot some more clips. Cindi loves how the cig actually "sizzles" as she puts it out on the slave's tongue! LOL
-Goddess Nikkole
My protege Goddess Suvana and I got together poolside at Mean Girl Manor for a cigarette break and some girl talk, using a worthless slave as a table for our ashtray. Of course we chatted on and on, oblivious to what our table heard or thought about what we said - it's only an object after all! That loser really got an earful and perhaps a glimpse into its future as we discussed past and present slaves in our respective stables as if we were alone, and it was indeed a piece of furniture. Furniture boy will be wondering how it will be marked as our property, whether or not it may be required to help us "dispose" of broken slaves, and how many other needy slaves are vying for our attention. Let it fret all it wants, that will keep its mind busy as it serves as our ash tray holder. Im sure the discussion around branding our names on our property were interesting for slaves to listen FEATURING:Goddess Suvana, Queen Kasey
Princess Fawn is back for something a little more extreme...she wants to see how badly they can really be treated. So I show Her these stupid slaves will even eat Her cigarette ash if she tells it to! Every time She needs to get rid of ash, it goes right down its gullet. And the financially whipped pigg has to give Her a $20 bill each time it eats the ash! What a loser! LOL! She thinks it's hilarious and a great way to make money! She even ends up putting the cigarette out on its tongue and it devours the entire thing! Princess Fawn is absolutely amazed that someone will let Her use them like this just because She's hot! The slave must be hungry since We haven't fed it in a while. LOL!
This was Princess Fawn's first time using a human ashtray and she absolutely LOVED it!
-Princess Jennifer
This is a GENIUS invention of Ours that We are trying out! We call it "Slave-Cam". We get all kinds of emails from losers "wishing" that they could be a slave in Our videos. So We decided to actually strap a camera onto a slave's head while We are filming to capture that for you!
In this clip We are all using one of Our losers that serves Us as a human ashtray. (And it is actually Goddess Nina's first time EVER ashing into a subhuman loser's mouth like this! Priceless! :) Princess Perfection doesn't even really smoke, but she wants to get in on the action/abuse- so We give her a swisher sweet cigar so she has something to make the slave eat too! LOL.
Slaves are so pathetic. Like annimals, really. I mean, We have this one's cock locked up in a chastity device, a camera strapped to it's head, and all 3 of Us are literally ashing in it's mouth- like it really is nothing more than a THING for Us to USE.