Ugly People Eat Our Ashes
It's that simple, really. We are PRETTY PEOPLE. And UGLY people are put on this earth to SERVE Us. That is their PURPOSE in life. It is why they were CREATED- to be tools that We can use to make OUR lives easier and more enjoyable.
And We explain that concept to this loser point-blank right to his ugly face. And being the good little loser that he is, he ADMITS it and just ACCEPTS that this is his place in life- to be USED by pretty girls like US for whatever We want.
And right now beautiful Princess Cindi wants to use his ugly face as her ASHTRAY. Hahahaha. And we explain to him that he is LUCKY to even be used like this by her- and he AGREES! Which just makes Us laugh even more...
FEATURING: Empress Jennifer, Princess Cindi
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