~~Our "open slave tryouts" continue at Mean Girl Manor. This one is "bob" and he is trying desperately to please Us. (This is a very obedient one, We might add- and We like that in a slave.) Completely submissive and obedient. So after We interviewed him to find out what he thought he could take for Us, We starting putting him through his paces...(Interview part isn't shown)
The way it usually works is We put slaves through about 5 minutes each of: ballbusting, trampling, and whipping. (Sometimes We change it up, but that's usually how it goes.)
We pull out the whips n canes to go to town on him and see what he REALLY can take to please Us...and We have to say he did very well! He doesn't really "like" pain apparently, but was simply taking it for Us because WE like causing men to SUFFER- and he wanted SOOO desperately to please Us! Whatta good little slaveboy he was...
Princess Leya from Men Are Slaves decides to truly exert her dominance over the lowly servants at Mean Girl Manor. She decides that while she is there house-sitting for the Mean Girls (while We were gone on a slave-paid for vacation!) that these low-lifes need to truly learn to FEAR her! She decides to give one of them the "Men Are Slaves treatment"- so they all will learn how bad their lives really COULD be! They have never tasted the bullwhip before...but it is something that is used routinely on the slaves to keep them in line at "Men Are Slaves Manor". ;) And there is nothing like a bullwhip to deliver PAIN to a grovelling slave! This one is chosen to serve as the "example" to the others because it did a poor job cleaning Princess Leya's car tires with its tongue. With the very first crack of the whip, this slave is literally SCREAMING for mercy. But none comes, of course. Just more (and HARDER!) cracks of the whip on its pathetic body, while Princess Leya literally LAUGHS with glee at its suffering. She grabs it by the hair at one point and asks it if it would like her to stop whipping it and let it leave. It begs to stay and be whipped by her more! (Of course, she also whispered in its ear that she would have it castrated it first before she let it leave!) Princess Leya lets the slave know that no matter how much she hurts it, that it should be THANKFUL that she is even letting it live! Princess Leya goes on to sadistically whip the slave until it is literally in tears- which only serves to feed her sadistic lust and make her want to hurt it even more. Then she grabs it by the hair again and explains coldly that her boyfriend will be stopping by later...and not only does he want HIS car's tires cleaned with its tongue as well, but they also BOTH going to beat it afterward! The slave's world can not get much worse...and then the beating continues... The slaves can only hope that Princess Leya doesn't become a permanent resident at Mean Girl Manor!! The suffering for all of them would be tremendous. Too bad..LOL.
We (Goddess Randi, Princess Perfection, and Princess Jennifer) are all standing around showing off our costumes before going out to a Halloween party with Our boyfriends. But eventually we end up having a disagreement about who has the hottest costume. So since can't agree, we decide to drag a slave out of its cage and ask IT who has the hottest costume!
Unfortunately for the slave, no matter who he picks, the other 2 girls get pissed and start beating on him. LOL. So he keeps changing his mind! And whenever he picks a different girl (whichever one is currently beating on him, of course) the OTHER two then get pissed and start beating on him! The poor loser just can't win...must suck to be a slave! LOL.
In the first part of the clip We all just basically beat on him with whatever implements of torrture We have laying around Mean Girl Manor. Then in the second part We decide that maybe ballbusting will get a better answer out of him! LOL So in this FULL-LENGTH VERSION of the clip you get: WHIPPING, CANING, CROPS, BALLBUSTING and a little bit of TRAMPLING
Princess Jennifer and Princess Lynna Bring Boner boy back from the first round of slave tryouts. they will whip him and taunt him. This is a helmet slave cam video so you will see what he sees.
Princess Jennifer stops by the Mean Girl Manor and meets the beautiful Princess Tasha Reign for the first time. She decides to give Tasha a demonstration- she has never seen a real-life slave beaten before. Princess Jennifer is of course MORE than happy to show her that this sh*tt is real. She pulls a slave out of its cage and starts by commanding it to bow to its newest ruler- Princess Tasha. It humbly kisses her feet. Tasha laughs at it and comments that this "thing" is lucky just to kiss the feet of a girl like HER!
Then they both use crops, canes and whips to beat on the slave for fun. Tasha is AMAZED that she can just treat another person like this and abuse it as much as she wants! Princess Jennifer reminds her- it is not a "person". It is a SLAVE. And they were CREATED for hot girls like them to beat on for THEIR fun & enjoyment!
Princess Leya from Men Are Slaves decides to truly exert her dominance amongst the lowly servants at Mean Girl Manor. She decides that while she is there house-sitting for the Mean Girls (while We were gone on a slave-paid for vacation!) that these low-lifes need to truly learn to FEAR her! She decides to give one of them the "Men Are Slaves treatment"- so they all will learn how bad their lives really COULD be! They have never tasted the bullwhip before...but it is something that is used routinely on the slaves to keep them in line at "Men Are Slaves Manor". ;) And there is nothing like a bullwhip to deliver PAIN to a grovelling slave! This one is chosen to serve as the "example" to the others because it did a poor job cleaning Princess Leya's car tires with its tongue.
With the very first crack of the whip, this slave is literally SCREAMING for mercy. But none comes, of course. Just more (and HARDER!) cracks of the whip on its pathetic body, while Princess Leya literally LAUGHS with glee at its suffering. She grabs it by the hair at one point and asks it if it would like her to stop whipping it and let it leave. It begs to stay and be whipped by her more! (Of course, she also whispered in its ear that she would have it castrated it first before she let it leave!) Princess Leya lets the slave know that no matter how much she hurts it, that it should be THANKFUL that she is even letting it live!
Princess Leya goes on to sadistically whip the slave until it is literally in tears- which only serves to feed her sadistic lust and make her want to hurt it even more. Then she grabs it by the hair again and explains coldly that her boyfriend will be stopping by later...and not only does he want HIS car's tires cleaned with its tongue as well, but they also BOTH going to beat it afterward! The slave's world can not get much worse...and then the beating continues...
The slaves can only hope that Princess Leya doesn't move in permanently to Mean Girl Manor!! The suffering for all of them would be tremendous. Too bad..LOL.
Goddess Alexis & Queen Farah are having some fun with one of our slaves. They just got done putting it through some forcced intoxxx and then shoved it into a cage to let it take effect. (not shown) Then they come back awhile later to drag it back out and put a MASSIVE beating on it for their own entertainment. They LOVED the fact that it HAD to let them do whatever they wanted to it! So they really let it have it! HAHA!
At one point one of them is kicking it right in the nuts WHILE the other one is beating it's ass with a cane!! Apparently it looks rather painful. LOL. (Based on the slave's reaction.) It has a hard time remaining standing with it's legs spread open nice and wide for Queen Farah to kick it in the nuts as hard as she wants over & over. But it is a REALLY entertaining scene as Queen Farah kicks it in the nuts as hard as she can with her pointed-toe boots and Goddess Alexis follows it up immediately with a hard cane-crack on its ass...and back & forth they go...cane, kick, cane, kick...all the while laughing their asses off at its suffering and the fact that it HAS to let them keep doing this to it for as long as they want- just because they COMMAND it to!
Princess Nikki is a new AMG and LOVES the concept of getting paid to beat on guys and be WORSHIPPED like a Princess! I am starting her off with this new slave of mine that came "virtually crawling" to Me on online and begging to be used & beaten by either Me or My daughter in Our videos. So he sent an online amazon giftcard as a deposit - just like he was commanded to do - (are you learning something here, all you "wannabe" slaves that say you want to be in My videos but aren't willing to prove it??? - and then once he arrived and took his beating, he received his deposit back. (Isn't that easy??
Now that the slave has been properly "prepared" for its beating- I allow Princess Nikki to go to town on it! She picks her "weappon" and begins beating it. She has never beaten anyone before and enjoys how it just TAKES it from her! And a little background- Princess Nikki is actually a dancer at a local club, and we talk in the video about how the "patrons" can sometimes be complete ASSHOLES- and how She can use this as Her "therapy"! Beating on slaves can be so relaxing... :) Btw, Princess Nikki isn't the cruelest or most abusive of girls (especially compared to Me or My daughter because We are used to beating on slaves) but She starts laying into him with the cane toward the end of the clip... :)
Being the GODDESS that I am, I have come to the realization that I own enough slaves now that I don't need to beat them all Myself- I can make the slaves beat each other for My entertainment! While I relax and enjoy their suffering for MY amusement from the comfort of My throne... :)
ESPECIALLY now that I own a female slave! And she has been such a good little slut, I decide to reward her by giving her one of My male servants to abuse to her heart's content. She is so excited- poor thing has never beaten another person before! LOL! She doesn't know the thrill of making another person willfully suffer for her own amusement...such a deprived little slut. lol.
So I explain to her that even though she is still nothing more than slave property to ME- she is still FEMALE, which makes her much higher in ranking than any of these male pieces of . And she can beat them as much as she wants- whenever she feels like it. (Although she is still required to grovel at MY feet like a cowering whore whenever in MY presence!) I then position the male piece of meat against the wall and command it to gaze at MY picture up on the mantle while it is BEATEN by My slut. I command him to think of ME the entire time it is being beaten. Then I position the slut where I will have the best view, and sit on My throne to enjoy the "show". :)
My slut chooses the cane to use on her victim...good choice. :) She is too soft at first, but eventually she breaks him as I encourage her to hit him HARDER! And of course I can't help but get a few cracks in at the end to show her how it's really done. lol.