The old slave is kneeling naked before Goddess Raven offering up a stack of money he agreed to bring in order to be allowed to serve Goddess Raven in person at Mean Girl Manor. But when Goddess Raven grabs the handful of money she discovers the entire stack is made up of only $1 bills. This is an outrage for Goddess Raven. The stupid slave needs to learn the hard way that $50 and $100 bills are the only acceptable form of payment. Princess Aria walks in and comments on how the dirty old man needs to bring much more money to serve at Mean Girl Manor. The Mean Girls were going to use the old man’s money to go shopping at the mall today. They wear shoes that cost $1,500 a pair so what are they going to do with the $9 dollars the slave brought? Maybe buy a cup of coffee? Since they can’t have fun shopping today they are going to have fun beating the slave instead. Goddess Raven and Princess Aria take turns hand spanking the slave’s ass and then beating his ass some more with paddles until he learns his lesson to bring more money next time. The slave is made to crawl back into his cage with his ass glowing bright red from his punishment spanking. 

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****PAID Custom Clip****

"You wear black high-heel stiletto boots (pls. no platform boots) and hold a whip in your hand. You go to a cage in which a slave is locked with a shock collar around his balls. After having welcomed you by kissing your boots he gets his first whiplashes and is shocked. Then you put him on a leash and lead him to the wet muddy flower beds. You make him kneel before you and tie his hands behinds his back. He gets some heavy face slaps and you spit in his mouth and face. As the slave complained about his food earlier you are going to give him a feast. You take a couple slices of bread and throw them into the wet muddy flower beds. You step on the slices of bread, pushing them further into the wet mud. At first, you order the slave to lick the sole of your boot clean. Then he must eat the bread directly from the muddy ground like the pig that he is and you push his head down with your boot. Finally you force the slaves to thank you for the delicious food. You walkaway after giving him some more lashes and spitting into his face/mouth and order him to finish his meal . Pls. also bully the slave and whip and shock him during the clip."

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Princess Chanel and Superior Goddess Brooke are sitting around the Mean Girl Manor talking to each other about their recent experiences treating men like loser slaves now that becoming a "Mean Girl" has taught them the true power their beauty gives them over men. They have both been here at the Manor for a few months now and are developing a friendship. They decide that they want to "team up" to take over Mean Girl Manor by taking complete and total ownership of all the houseslaves. They are both super-hot tall amazon blonds and can pretty much bully guys into doing anything they want. They know if they team up they can quickly become the top "Mean Girls" and take all the best slaves for themselves.

They find a slave sweeping the floor and decide to use him as their personal play toy and demonstrate their newly found talents at beating men and completely enslaving them They both have a good laugh at how easy it is to get this loser to do anything they want simply because they are hot, mean girls. Pretty soon this slave is begging at their feet for mercy and pledging its allegiance only to THEM! At that point, the newest "Mean Girls" decide that they will do this to ALL the slaves around here...it will be a "Mean Girl Manor coup"!

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So this is a new slave that said in his emails to us that he could take "anything" we wanted to do to him. (He specifically said we could trample, whip, and ballbust him as much as we wanted!) After his interview (see clip titled "Slave Wannabe- A Real Turkey") we decide to simply lay him down so Superior Goddess Brooke and Princess Chanel could stand on him in their stilettos. Not only can he NOT take it even for a SECOND- but he touches Brooke and Chanel's feet and causes Chanel to fall off him and break her shoe!

So the rest of the clip Chanel and Brooke just basically beat him. And he fucking DESERVES it. This is one of the biggest losers we have ever had here. He was stupid, foreign, he STUNK, he LIED about what he could do, and he almost hurt Princess Chanel in the process. You can hear me literally yelling at him from behind the camera, telling him what a piece of sh**tt he is!

Princess Bella

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The Mean Girls "Desert Punishment Camp and Vacation House" is a private location we send our bad slaves to get further punishment. It is also a training ground for new Mean Girls! This is where they can feel the rush of power that comes from turning 18 and being legally allowed to totally torture losers who are literally twice their age- but were basically put on this earth to be abused by hot young girls like them. (Of course, for the "main Mean Girls" it is also a place to go for relaxation and further pampering haha.) Queen Quenzi and Duchess Dani are the newest "Mean Girls" and go hunting through the house to find a random slave to abuse. They literally can't believe that they can do this. They drag him out of the closet where he was being stored and start whipping him for no other reason than to amuse themselves and make his stay a living hell- just because they CAN.

The funniest part is he doesn't even know who the hell they ARE when they start beating on his ass! HAHAHA!!! Oh but he'll know Queen Quenzi and Duchess Dani when its over!! And he better get used to this kind of abuse. Let this be a lesson not to fuck up with us, or you'll end up here.

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Even the Mean Girls have to do chores every once in a while. Normally they don’t ever need to lift a finger around Mean Girl Manor because they have slaves to do everything. But there is one chore that each of the Mean Girls is responsible for completing. A “Caning the Slave Chore Chart” is posted on the refrigerator at Mean Girl Manor like any normal to-do list would be at any typical house. Each of the Mean Girls is scheduled to cane the slave on a different date and then mark it off once completed.  This time it’s Goddess Ravens turn to cane the slave. Princess Aria is the new girl and she is there to learn how to properly discipline a slave.

The slave is secured to a whipping cart so he can’t escape the beating he is about to receive. Goddess Raven inspects the slave’s backside admiring some of the old marks from previous beatings. Goddess Raven says that a true Goddess knows how to properly leave her marks up and down a slave’s body and tells the slave she will be leaving her marks all over his ass. She lays into the slave with the cane concentrating on his ass and leaving deep red marks with every painful strike. She demonstrates to Princess Aria her favorite way to cane a slave. Using a two handed grip she swings the cane like it was a baseball bat and the slaves ass was the ball! It’s not long before the slave is whimpering in pain and begging for it to stop. But Goddess Raven has no intention of stopping she has to finish beating the slave before she can mark her name off the chore chart as complete. Goddess Raven asks the slave what his level of pain is on a scale of 1-10 and slaves answers a 10! Goddess Raven responds that she thinks she can take his pain level up to "at least a 12"!

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The Mean Girls do more than just take money from losers and beat on slaves. They also do a lot of original slave training research. Princess Beverly is conducting a study on the effects of boot worship and the ability to take pain. She is wearing a very short skirt showing off her long legs and thigh high black boots that look amazing. With clipboard and paddle in hand she allows the slave to freely worship her boots by kissing them all over and licking the bottoms clean. During the boot worship session she beats the slave with her paddle and takes careful notes regarding his reaction. Then as a control study she paddles the slave when he is denied access to her boots and notes any differences in the slave’s ability and willingness to take pain. The data gathered will be used by all the Mean Girls so they can hopelessly enslave even more boot obsessed freaks. The paddling is not very hard in this one but boot worship fans will drool over how hot Princess Beverly looks in her ultra short skirt and thigh high black boots. 

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The slave in this video is not a pain slave. He was hoping for some light humiliation or maybe a foot worshipping session. Unfortunately for him another slave scheduled to shoot a brutal whipping video has failed to show up. Princess Carmela and Superior Goddess Brooke have decided this new slave will have to substitute for the missing slave. They don’t care that he’s not into pain he’s a fucking slave and they will use him however they want. The show must go on so the slave will be whipped.

Princess Carmela and Superior Goddess Brooke both look amazing dressed in thigh high black boots and skimpy bikinis. The action in this clip is non-stop as the kneeling naked slave is subjected to a dual whipping from above by two beautiful bikini clad tormentors. The slave is assaulted from all sides as soon as a blow lands from Princess Carmela another is immediately on the way from Superior Goddess Brooke leaving the slave no time to recover. There is nothing the slave can do to prevent the non-stop whipping from continuing. All he can do is scream in pain and beg for it to stop but his pleas fall on deaf ears.

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Princess Bella and Goddess Raven interview and test out a new slave in this behind the scenes look at an actual slave tryout. Princess Bella looks so authoritative and superior holding her clipboard as she interviews the slave to see what if any use he might be to them. The slave is so inexperienced he can’t really do much but as long as he is very obedient, very respectful, and very thankful to be there they are willing to give him a shot and test him out to see what he can take. The slave asks if he should have a safe word and Princess Bella laughs telling him you can beg us to stop that’s your fucking safe word!

The slaves hands are cuffed overhead so he is helpless to defend himself as Princess Bella and Goddess Raven use floggers to whip the slave all over his twisting body. They make fun of the fact that he looks like a little boy because he still has braces and a tiny little Asian dick! They actually go easy on the first time slave because it’s ok to have limits as long as he follows the rules about being obedient, respectful, and thankful! This is not a hardcore clip but if you have ever thought about applying to be a slave at Mean Girl Manor but hesitate because you have no experience or are a first time slave this will give you a good idea of what it would be like.

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The slave has just returned from running another errand for Princess Chanel. This slave (when he is allowed to wear clothing) is always dressed like a total slob. Of course he doesn’t have any money to afford nice clothes because the Mean Girls take it all, but Chanel could not care less. Princess Chanel decides she is going to teach him a lesson by giving him a spanking with his own cheap belt. The slave is made to remove all his clothes and hand his leather belt to Princess Chanel so she can beat him with it. Princess Chanel notes the belt is ridiculously long because of how the fat the slave is. It’s so long it’s like hitting him with a single tail whip and when she brings the belt down hard across the slaves back you can tell it really hurts! The sound it makes as it connects with the slaves flesh is super loud! Princess Chanel even comments about how much she likes the sound it makes. The slave promises to dress better but Princess Chanel keeps beating him until he agrees to go steal clothes from Men’s Warehouse! See?  Almost any “slave problem” can be solved simply by beating them enough!

I loved this clip so much. First we have the unfairness of the situation with the slave being punished for not dressing nice despite the fact that all his money goes to the Mean Girls and he can’t even afford to buy new clothes. Then we have a brutally hard whipping that you can tell is really hurting the slave. Princess Chanel is just beating the out of the slave and she doesn’t care even one tiny bit about his suffering. But what really takes this clip to a new level is the genius idea from Princess Bella off camera. She tells the slave to turn his body so he is facing perpendicular to Princess Chanel on all fours with his legs spread wide. Princess Bella wants to see if Princess Chanel can whip the slaves back from the front so the tip of the belt wraps around the end of his ass and hit him in the balls all at the same time! I can’t even imagine the pain of a ball whipping! Watch the clip to find out what happens! 

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