We just came home from seeing some hot guys that we are both kind of into, and Skylar sees my ugly bald fucking slave that I just left out on the deck a few hours ago.  I invite her to step up onto him while we chat about our day.  (He's kind of soft and bouncy under your heels and it feels better than standing on the hard deck.)  


This is Skylar's first time literally walking all over a slave- but she totally does it like its nothing.  I think I have taught her well that these idiots were MEANT to be walked all over by hot girls like Us.  Like, its honestly what I think they were created and put on this Earth for- so WE can use them and benefit from them, as WE are obviously superior, higher life forms than them.  She even laughs that she would never talk to a bald, ugly loser like this so he kinda is lucky just to be stepped on by her...even if she doesn't bother to take her stiletto heels off.


We just chat out on the deck and have a smoke break while Skylar lets her stiletto heels REALLY dig into my slave.  She told me later that she thinks its hilarious that I can treat him like this (like he basically means NOTHING to me) and yet he totally puts up with it no matter what, and still literally WORSHIPS me.


***(Although this is Skylar's first tramping clip she really does have no mercy for the slave. She literally stands on it for the entire length of the clip with no breaks for the slave at all. This is the most ruthless trampling clip we have done in years and when you consider Princess Skylar just continues standing in the same spot, drilling her heels DEEP into the slave beneath her without giving it a second thought...)***


True story- At one point in this clip I accidentally burned my slaves lip while shoving my lit cigarette into his mouth to use it as my ashtray while Skylar was standing on him.  So I fucking yell at him for moving and making my cigarette out and kick him in the face in front of Skylar!  She laughed her ass off haha.


(Oh, also, it was kinda windy out there so it is kinda hard to hear the dialogue sometimes, but we doubt most of you care about that too much haha.)


-Princess Carmela

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This slave needs to suffer for me- just because I say so. And I think its funny that it loves my needle-thin designer heels, but they hurt him sooo much! Awww…poor slave LOL! Too bad. Slaves were MEANT to be walked all over! I mock it for being hurt so much underneath these heels that another slave bought me- just so that he could suffer underneath them!

I demand that this slave buy me a pair as well- but he eventually admits that he can’t afford it after I tell them how much they cost! (Haha I tell him that these shoes are worth more than his pathetic life!) So being the genius Mean Girl that I am, I make a decision and inform the slave that the sales of this clip will go toward buying a new pair of Louboutins for MY perfect feet! So since he is a broke loser slave, he just needs to SUFFER under my stilettos for as long as I decide it will take to earn me a new pair! And the longer he suffers…the more profit it will contribute toward my next pair of designer heels!

And I even make this loser THANK ME for letting him “pay for” another pair of ridiculously expensive heels for my perfect feet in this manner- and BEG me to keep standing on him for as long as it takes to contribute to my shoe collection with his suffering!

Do YOU want to suffer under my heels, slave?? Then beg and PAY me for it, bitch!

-Princess Beverly

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Sometimes I just like to look out onto the desert and the city in the distance while I chat with my friends on the phone. But to create a little "cushion" under my heels, I use a soft slave's body. After all, these conversations can go on for awhile...and I need to be comfortable! And since I can use a pathetic slave's body for WHATEVER I want...why not use it as a cushion to stand on?

It's like those thich rubber mats that cashiers stand on when they are standing in one place for a long shift. Except I am wearing my stilettos...might be kinda painful for the poor slave, huh? Oh well...who cares?? You can really see my heels sinking deep into the loser's flesh in this clip, and hear the slave really suffering underneath me. I just didn't really even notice during the filming though because I was so engrossed in my conversation with my friend!

-Princess Adrianna

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The slave is in for the mom of all trample sessions as he has six different Mean Girls all waiting to trample him. Princess Bella is the first to start and she may be the smallest and lightest but she makes up for it by literally jumping up and down on the slaves midsection like it was a trampoline!

Meanwhile Queen Casey has her foot on the slaves face the entire time as if its face is nothing more than a footrest to her while she watches the action.  It really is like slaves are just nothing more than "things" to be abused and walked all over at Mean Girl Manor.  And Princess Carmela is smashing the slaves balls over and over with her spiked boots. When Princess Bella finishes, each of the other Mean Girls takes a turn stomping around on the bitch at their feet, and they all trample the slave without mercy. Stepping in his most sensitive spots, bouncing up and down, balancing on one foot at a time, and jabbing the slave’s balls with their high heels until his ballsack is literally leaking the red stuff.

As rough as each of the Mean Girls has been to slaves in videos individually, you have to see the "grand finale" when all the Mean Girls trample him at the same time! Including the amazon Goddess Harley! The slave is literally sobbing by the end and honestly lucky to have survived. And all The Mean Girls do is laugh and walk it is nothing to them.  This is one of the best trample clips ever as you get six different Mean Girls in one clip!

* To download this individual clip, click the "Add to Cart" button. (All clips are only $10.)

We have something special for you losers today that you TOTALLY dont deserve. We had our video editing slave to go over 100s of hours of past footage to make a clip of nothing but THE BEST TRAMPLING MOMENTS under Our heels. The thing is a lot of the Mean Girls are going on vacation this summer and we want all you losers to get rock hard and horny so you send us lots of money for our trips. So to do that we made this special compilation clip, nothing but the best trampling is here so you defiantly want to check it out. We wear a bunch of really sharp sexy heels and walk and sometimes even JUMP on our slaves to cause them the most pain imaginable, HAHA. And also tell us if you like the clip and maybe we will make more of these kind of videos. OMG, we are so fuckin nice to you losers you better make it up to us with lots of gift cards and tributes LOL.

* To download this individual clip, click the "Add to Cart" button. (All clips are only $10.)

Queen Quenzi and Duchess Dani don't have doormats at the Mean Girl "Desert Punishment Camp and Vacation House". They just make a slave lie on the ground and walk all over him instead. And losers like this DESERVE to be used as doormats if they act up and have to be sent here. That's the way it is!

The two newest "Mean Girls" dig their heels into this slave's fat belly so bad that we can see the designs of their shoes on his flabby naked rolls, haha! Almost like "Princess tire tracks" running over a loser in the middle of the road! If you think MGM trampling is bad, you losers will be BEGGING to go back to that kind of pain once you get a taste of how bad we treat you at our punishment camp!

*(BTW, Dani and Quenzi just turned 18 recently and have been wanting to become "Mean Girls" for awhile now- and this is their first time trampling a slave under their heels! They LOVED it!)


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Saucha X gave this fat pig STRICT rules on how to diet. And it's clearly not working. The fat slab now has to lay on the dirty floor, belly up like the pig he is and answer to Saucha X with his excuses. All the gross, fatty foods he's been eating when we told his ass he was supposed to be eating salad. Saucha X is just tired of his laziness. If he wants to eat garbage and not work out, then she's just gonna push all that fat into him with her boots. He had his chance to do it right, and since eating healthy is too hard, Saucha's boot is going to grind all of those extra pounds, DEEP into his belly. He's gonna be a stuck pig when she's through. And MAYBE ll those painful trampling prints will remind him to eat healthier. Or maybe not. We don't really care, Saucha will just stomp his belly again if he fucks up a second time! No skin off our backs. LOL

* To download this individual clip, click the "Add to Cart" button. (All clips are only $10.)

Bottom line is: if you want to be OUR slave, you have to make our lives easier in some way. This bitch was called forward by Princess Ashley because he hasn't bought her shoes, EVER. She makes him answer to her, and his excuse is as stupid as he is. Ashley is going to jump up and down on his fat belly until he understands that if she wants shoes, she gets shoes. No excuses, and that's just the way it is. So next time: SHOES bitch, or Ashley will make it even worse!

* To download this individual clip, click the "Add to Cart" button. (All clips are only $10.)

The "Mean Girls System" definitely works. This slave begged to come here and he did literally everything I commanded him to. He joined Our members website, got on a plane, flew out to LA to be my bitch, gave me money- and I even put his tiny little cock in chastity for the entire time he was here so he couldn't enjoy it too much LOL.  But guess what?  By obeying my every command, he actually got to come here and serve Us! (Now for those of you idiots that write in to us "begging to serve" Us with your empty promises and aren't even a member of Our website and haven't sent a tribute to any of you know why you are being ignored! LOL)

Anyway, now that it is here groveling at Our feet, its time for the REAL fun to start...

I think the thing I like most of all to slaves it to literally walk all oven them...trampling a grown "man" twice my age just for my own personal fucking amusement. And knowing that each step I take in my needle-thin stilettos is causing such agony for them underneath me- with almost noeffort on my part at all! And all I do is look down and laugh at their pathetic suffering.  And I think to myself about how they are suffering like this...just to be in the presence of my beauty.  So sweet...and pathetic!  LOL!

Princess Bella was at the Mean Girl Manor with me today so I let her join in on the fun too. I'm not greedy. In fact, I love to share my slaves with any of my friends that happen to be around. I even got the house camera-slave to get some nice close-ups so you can reeeaaally see my sharp heels digging into this loser's ugly, soft body. I even make him lift his head and look right at my super-thin stilettos as they are going deep into his chest so he can get a good look at me torturing him!!

Me and Bella even BOTH get on him at the same time! And we decide that if he wants us to get off, he will have to PAY us even MORE! Haha. So we just continue to stand there in our designer stilettos as he suffers underneath us, casually leaning our weight back onto Our stilettos more & more...and If he dares to beg for a "mercy", I make him give me more money to get off of him!

What a great system!  He can either keep suffering (which totally amuses us and takes like NO effort on our part) or he can give us more $$$! We love it!

***By the way slaves, me and Bella are both wearing designer stilettos bought for us by SLAVES, of course LOL. She is wearing $500 Giuseppe Zanottis and I am wearing some $700 Louboutins... :) You want to impress US?  Then buy us expensive designer shoes like these AND let us walk all over you in them in our clips! Oh, LOL!

-Princess Beverly

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So Princess Bella and I have already given him a good ballbusting and now its time to see how much trampling he can take. We chain his hands behind his back and put him right down on the doormat. Then its two Princesses, in sharp black heels bouncing up and down on his belly. The poor slave's stomach looks swollen like a balloon ready to pop. And we don't care one bit! I am more concerned about falling off than the doormat slave, and Princess Bella even takes a break from digging Her heels in to go spit on his face. I REALLY get evil in this clip. I make this guy go from silent to begging for mercy in a matter of two seconds. You can actually PINPOINT the moment he breaks and I totally got him. Eventually we sit him up against the door and decide he's taken enough. They say he's done a good job on his tryout.

- Princess Carmela

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