This slave has already been through the ringer. We have caned it, bullwhipped it, and even taken CATTLE PRODS to its brown skin, shocking it into complete and total surrender. It is nothing more than a heap of flesh at Our feet at this point. This is where most "compassionate" girl would probably let up and show some mercy? Well, that's not Us- we are MEAN GIRLS!
We just think its funny that we have broken him this badly and decide that it would be even more fun to STOMP ALL OVER HIM IN OUR STILETTOS! After all, he is already in perfect position for it!
This is actually one of Our best trample videos in awhile. Skylar literally stands FULL-WEIGHT on the slave's hand with her stiletto heel at one point- and just laughs as he SCREEEEAMS for mercy!! HAHA.
This slave has been stationed on the floor at the foot of our bed at Mean Girl Manor. Poor thing has to just lay there and let itself be walked on whenever we feel like it. And do we bother to take our heels off first? Absolutely not! It will take the heels- no matter how much it hurts.
After seeing how pathetic my little slave-minions are, Grace is quite impressed. But I casually explain to her that she "aint seen nothin yet!"
I command a nearby slave to lay itself at My feet- and of course, it does so instantly at the snap of my fingers. I then just casually step up onto it in my 4-inch needle-thin stilettos my stilettos like it is nothing. Grace gasps in amazement, as the slave is obviously trying its very hardest to obediently suffer underneath me in silence. And now SHE wants to try!
So of course, I graciously offer my slave for her to walk all over as much as she wants! It IS just a THING for me to lend to anyone I want anyways. And I must say, Grace has quite a bit of fun with it...until eventually we BOTH get up onto the slave in our stiletto heels and have fun making it SUFFER underneath BOTH of us as we laugh and mock its suffering! It must suck to be such an inferior male that you have to let women literally WALK ALL OVER YOU like this just to be allowed in the same room as them!
-Goddess Platinum
This is just me n Amber playing "jump on the slave" out on our deck. Its fun to jump off of things and land on a squishy loser beneath you, feeling its ribs cave in underneath you as you land on it... :)
-Goddess Platinum
After seeing how pathetic my minions are, Grace is quite impressed. But I casually explain to her that she aint seen nothin yet! I command a slave to lay on its back- and it does so instantly at the snap of my fingers. I then just casually step up onto it- while still wearing my stilettos, of course! Grasp gasps in amazement. SHE wants to try!
So of course I offer my slave to her to walk all over as much as she wants! And she has some fun with it...until eventually we BOTH get on the slave in our heels and have fun making it SUFFER underneath us!
-Goddess Platinum
There isn't much room under our stairs, where we keep this freak chained up for days at a time. (Poor thing has to just helplessly listen to our heels clip-clopping up and down the stairs above it when we go out to party in Vegas or bring hot guys home to fuck.) But we decide to pay it a visit to spend some "quality time" with the freak- by literally walking all over it!! And yes, we think it should be GRATEFUL to see us- no matter WHAT we do to it!!
And it is so happy to see us after being locked up down here in the dark for all that time. Even if it is just to stomp all over it while we laugh about all the great time we have spent out in the sunshine, relaxing, going to the beach, and just generally enjoying our lives while it wastes away down here, dreaming about the next time it will see us...even if it is just to torture it again for our amusement...
***(Paid Custom Clip for a Member of Our Membership Site)***
True story: An online slave sent these Christian Louboutin stiletto sandals for Chanel to keep. All she had to do was torment a house-slave underneath them in a video! SoChanel said..."No problem! I don't give a fuck how much a slave sufers- as long as I get new pair of Loubs!!" Even though these heels are soooo thin- Chanel really doesn't care, she wants her new Loubs! So the slave she uses HAS to take as much trampling as she wants to dish out! She wants to make sure she REALLY hurts the slave so she maybe even gets MORE designer shoes sent to her by her online slave-fan!
And you can tell that the slave's suffering means NOTHING to her- all she cares about is HER getting to keep these shoes, and maybe even more in the future! And she doesn't care if the slave is completely destroyed underneath her in order to make that happen!
Chanel's heels dig DEEP into the slave's flesh. She leaves LOTS of marks all over its body. She laughs about how it is taking all this just so SHE can get new shoes! Poor trample-mat slaves buy his Goddess shoes- and IT has to suffer underneath them because he isn't rich enough to buy her the shoes himself! Aww...poor trample-mat slave. But every slave needs to serve its purpose for hot, Mean Girls, right??
This slave's knows that its purpose in life is just to be walked all over. At the end, Chanel even stands on the slave and pauses to take "selfies" while her heels dig deeeep into its flesh underneath her! Poor slave is in agony...but Chael totally doesn't care. She probably isn't even aware of it, honestly. Then Chanel puts all her weight onto ONE needle-thin heel, as she SLAPS the slave's cock with the sole of her other shoe!
She even gives its cock a some KICKS with the metal spikes on the straps of her shoes, as she laughs about how his cock is "getting as red as the red soles of her new Louboutins!"
Also completely true: Chanel's skinny little trample slave actually suffered a broken rib from Chanel rocking back and putting allher weight back onto her needle-thin heels so much! (Chanel probably weighs more than her poor skinny little trample slave does! LOL!)
Amber and I have on the most wicked heels that were sent to us from our wishlists by online slaves. And what better way to put them to good use than to use them for TRAMPLING SLAVES IN REAL LIFE!
We decide to have a little contest. We want to see who's slave will be the most obedient and take the most pain under our stilettos. And I have on these 6-inch NEEDLE-THIN heels that are literally like NAILS underneath my feet!
Eventually Amber gets jealous and changes into some super-thin wicked heels of her own, just so she can push her slave to handle MORE pain for her! Watch the clip to see who takes the most...and what will happen to the loser!
-Goddess Platinum
We decide it would be fun to literally walk all over this loser after we took all his $$$ and what little "dignity" he had left. So we drag him outside, use him as our human ashtray, spit on him, burn his back with our lit cigarettes and proceed to stomp all over him in our stilettos!
Poor loser is suffering like sooo bad underneath us...but we just think its funny, and remind him of what human garbage he is to us. Why does he put up with it? Because we are fucking HOT, that's why!!
And because he says we are WAY better than any stupid "paid session" with some stupid ugly old dominatrix that like takes it easy on him n stuff. We REALLY want to hurt him and we really ENJOY it! And I guess it's pretty obvious we don't care about him LOL. But for freaks like this, that probably makes him want to serve us and give us all his money even MORE! LOL
We really do think its fucking funny to hurt him just to see how much he will take for us!
-Princess Ashley and Princess Chanel
So I let this fat loser pick out his "fave" outfit that he would love seeing me in more than anything. The catch? After I change into it, I am going to let him know what I want to do to him! And I get to do ANYTHING I want to him! The worst part for the slave is, I know what his LEAST favorite fetish is..haha! TRAMPLING! He absolutely hates it because apparently it is like really fucking painful or something.
Oh well, too bad. So after he gets done drooling all over the floor when he sees me come walking out in this outfit, I command him to lay on his back so I can walk all over him! His poor, fat heart sinks lol. I explain to him that this is the most fun for ME because I know he hates it and because I know it hurts him so much! (Look at his face in the preview pictures! Haha! I love it!)
And I tease him the whole time that he DESERVES this pain if he wants to be able to gaze up at MY beauty while I am dressed in this hot outfit! (And no, the slave really did not know what fetish I was going to pick before we shot this clip!) Honestly, these inferior pieces of garbage DESERVE to suffer pain just to be allowed around ME...
-Princess Skylar