Slaves need to report to me on a regular basis and have their performance reviewed. Since I have converted the "Mean Girl Desert Punishment Compound" into a "Bed-n-Breakfast" for any hot girl to use, it has really taken off! The reviews have been phenomenal. I read through them in this clip while part of my "slave staff" grovel at my Royal feet, massage them while I relax, and worship me...
Oh, and you losers at home can drool over my beautiful stockinged feet too in this clip.
Enjoy, my little losers!
-Queen Kasey
I have driven this slave literally INSANE with my PERFECT little size 6 feet. He is now kept at the Mean Girl Desert Punishment Compound IN A FUCKING STRAIGHTJACKET 24/7 because he can't handle being away from my perfect feet for even a few seconds! LOL I think its fucking pathetic...and hilarious! he is down there just staring at my feet in my black pumps and little black lace ankle socks while I ignore him and play on my phone. Eventually he starts whining like a little bitch because he is so desperate for them. So I decide to REALLY torment him by dangling my shoe off the tip of my toe just inches away from his face haha. Poor thing...he starts going nuts. (Literally!) He is like banging his head on the floor and because he just can't take it. I fucking love it. There is nothing better than driving a man crazy- especially if it is with nothing but your FEET! I mean, how easy is it to just dangle your shoe like in a waiting room or something?? And you can just see the foot-losers staring and drooling haha. But THIS foot-freak is going like bonkers. So I am REALLY enjoying this! Eventually I touch my foot to his lips- and he finally shuts up. Its like a I am giving him a fucking pacifier LOL. So I step it up and just start playing games with him- making him whine and BEG for my feet. I even make him slither around on the floor like a worm in that straightjacket trying sooo desperately to get to my feet! Haha. It is SO much fun to torment foot-freaks.
-Princess Gemma
This foot freak is SO easy to control if you have gorgeous feet. And obviously perfect feet run in our family. My 18yr old niece Amber can't believe how pathetic this foot loser is. We just wave our sweaty, stocking-clad feet under his nose- and he will do literally ANYTHING we say! I start by showing off how desperate he is for my shoes to come off just so he can sniff my nylons. Then I make him inhale my foot scent through those well-worn nylons like the fool that he is- and he is completely under my control after that. From there on, we just make him literally BEG like our personal "foot pet" just to have a few more sniffs and kisses on our beautiful feet. So fucking pathetic. Seriously, we fucking HUMILIATE this foot freak in this clip. Amber can't believe how pathetic he is. And to be honest, its pretty obvious that he doesn't want to be like this- but he just can't help himself. His pathetic, weird fetish literally won't allow him to resist our feet. Which is just fine by us because we think its hilarious. And you will definitely see that when you watch this clip! Are there any other foot weirdos out there that want to grovel at our feet like this?? Haha. -Goddess Platinum
I am just sitting out on the deck at the Mean Girl Desert Punishment Camp (or "MGDPC" lol) being pampered by several slaves. BOTH of my feet are being worshiped and massaged at the same time - with one slave for each of my feet, of course - and I have another one at my disposal to fan me with a palm leaf and fetch my drinks for me at the snap of my fingers.
My friend “Miss T” is off-camera and she just can’t believe that this is the kind of life I live. (She is a friend of mine and Princess Bella's in Vegas, and this is her first time seeing me using my slaves in person.) She even chimes in from behind the camera and starts mocking these pathetic fucks that we literally use as our slaves.
We basically have a ball abusing these inferior fucks, and I can’t help showing off for her how pathetic these idiots REALLY are… But you’ll have to watch the clip to see how I treat losers when there is a “new girl” around… ;)
-Princess Beverly
A MARRIED business woman is sitting on a couch in a busy convention center, relaxing after being in her sales meetings all day. She has changed into some comfortable jeans and just wants to be left alone. Some idiot comes up, sits next to her, and keeps obviously staring at her feet as she dangles her shoe from the tip of her toe. She KNOWS how hot she is, but this idiot feels the need to tell her what she already knows- that she is absolutely flawless. She literally laughs in his face, tells him that she isn't interested, and that she is, in fact, married. But this idiot starts BEGGING for her "just to give him a chance". So she decides to have fun with this little opportunity and see how badly he really wants it... She demands that he literally GET ON HIS KNEES AND BEG! And to her amazement, he actually DOES it! "OMG this is going to be good", she thinks to herself... Soon, she has this idiot literally on his knees, kissing her feet and BEGGING for her just to find "some use for him in her life"! OMG it is fucking PATHETIC!! She informs him that she will have NO respect for him whatsoever, but if he does WHATEVER she says, she may keep him nothing more than her personal "foot massage bitch"! She goes on to explain that the only way this would even work is if she literally keeps him in the back of the closet in her spare bedroom at home so her husband doesn't know he is even there for the first few weeks...or maybe even a few months. And she will just pull him out and use him whenever she feels like a footmassage- and then she will just toss him back into the closet when she is done with him. She can't believe he is actually agreeing to all this! He is like SO obsessed! So she decides to push it even farther...she sees another woman she knows from her work and decides to show off my making this idiot KNEEL and KISS HER FEET as she walks by! And the pathetic bitch DOES it! Ok, she is actually starting to believe this pathetic fuck actually COULD be useful to her... She makes him massage her feet in front of everyone as they walk through the convention center... ***(BTW this clip really WAS shot out in public at a local convention center as people were walking by and staring at us film this loser being humiliated!!)***
FEATURING: Goddess Platinum
OMG this was hilarious!! I was using this slave to buy me some shoes, so I decided to film it and HUMILIATE it in a REAL shoe store! Haha! I make it put all my shoes on my feet for me and even make it literally bow down and kiss my feet over & over again in the middle of the store just to humiliate it! You can even see people walking by in the background here and there. It's hilarious. Well, its hilarious for ME, anyway. The slave is mortified and humiliated, but I don't care. I look like a Goddess that OWNS this bitch. And in this case, looks are not deceiving! I DO own this bitch! I even make it kneel before me and spread its legs right there in the shoe store at the end so I can "try out" my new pointed-toe pumps to see how good they are for ballbusting! (Yes, for real- I kick this loser HARD right in the nuts in the middle of a shoe store! Haha!) Who wants to take me shopping next?? LOL! -Goddess Platinum
So Carmela is still giving Gemma a tour of the Mean Girls Air BnB. And the "services" of the "servant staff" just continues to blow her mind... Next, Carmela asks Gemma if she has been in those heels all day and would she like to have her feet "refreshed"? "Of course", Gemma says! Carmela simply snaps her fingers and two more losers jump to attention, crawl to Gemma's feet, take off her shoes, and begin immediately massaging and kissing Ms. Gemma's feet! Gemma can't believe it! This feels GREAT! And she asks Carmela if she can literally make these idiots do this for her all day if she wants to?? Carmela casually informs her that she absolutely CAN! They are all here to do her bidding 24/7 during her stay! (The slaves are obviously scared to deaath of Ms. Gemma giving Princess Carmela a "bad review" of their performance!)
Dateline 12/17/17 Bitcoin: $19,192.25
So this slave has been mining bitcoin and comes crawling to me with one, offering it up to me for the privilege of licking my shiny gold boots. When he tells me how much it is worth, I allow him the privilege. These boot freaks are so pathetic. When you put on a shiny pair of stiletto boots its like you can make them do anything.
Eventually he wants to worship my OTHER boot. Well, of course that is going to cost him MORE haha...
Who wants to mine bitcoin for Princess Gemma?? I talk directly to you at the end of this clip on how to do that for me...
-Princess Gemma
This was a real-life slave-member of Our site that wanted to be used and abused by us in our clips when he came to Vegas. So after making him jump through all the necessary hoops (and PAY us for the privilege, obviously!) Princess Adrianna shows up at his hotel door in Vegas. This is the part of his session where Adrianna is just bored, so she uses him as her personal footstool and verbally degrades him. Want this to be you, loser? Then do what this slave did and join our site, send us your deposit and picture ID, and then book your trip to Vegas. We will let you know the totaly cost when we hear how lame you are. LOL. (Oh, and BTW these clips don't have great lighting because it s areal-life session in a hotel room, NOT some scripted clip in a studio.)
This is a very simple clip. Princess Amber demands that two house slaves massage and worship her feet - one slave for each foot - while she relaxes and simply enjoys being a spoiled Princess. Princess Amber is only 18 and LOVES that she can use these old, pathetic losers for whatever she wants! Admittedly, it is an awesome feeling to make losers that are literally twice your age bow down, kiss your feet, and worship you at the snap of your fingers! This clip is like 30 minutes long, as the slaves are made to massage their Princess's feet until the sun literally sets in the distance. Princess Amber