So Skylar is the hottest waitress at Hooters- and she KNOWS it! She makes a ton of $$$ and barely works. The customers are all just desperate to sit in HER section- no matter how terrible her "service" is or how badly she treats them. She is so hot that they don't care- as long as they get to interact with her in SOME way!
Amber is a potential new "Hooters Girl" that is "shadowing" Skylar for the day. Skylar is supposed to show her around, explain to her how to do the job, etc. Amber can't believe what she is seeing though! Amber is used to working at a "normal" restaurant, where there are men AND women customers, and you need to provide good customer service, get their orders right, and work hard. Skylar barely lifts a finger and literally INSULTS her customers right in front of Amber! She calls this overweight guy "tubby" and tells him he is FAT right to his face!! And that is only the beginning.
Skylar explains to Amber that it doesn't matter- loser guys do NOT come to Hooters for the service or food. (Honestly, both totally suck.) They come here to be around HOT GIRLS- and as such, we can basically bring the food out whenever we feel like it and treat the customers like craap- and we will STILL get super big tips! Amber is amazed and says she should have been working here all along! Skylar totally agrees, and decides to give her a "demo" using one of her pathetic regulars that is totally obsessed with her.
Skylar INTENTIONALLY brings him a salad when she KNOWS he ordered a bunch of fried food. She tells him right to his face (and right in front of Amber) that he is "too fat to order that" and that he is having a salad- whether he wants it or not! When he DARES to even begin to raise a slight complaint about it, she puts the salad ON THE FLOOR AT HER FEET and orders him to "eat it off the floor like the pig you are"- and to Amber's delight, he actually DOES it!! Now the girls are going to start REALLY having fun! Because Skylar explains that this is still literally only the begining- "she aint seen nothin yet!"
The fat customer asks if he can "at least have some dressing for his salad"- and Skyler proceeds to HACK UP HUGE LOOGIES AND SPIT THEM RIGHT ONTO HIS SALAD!! "There you go, fatso! THERE'S your 'dressing'!" And the girls both have a good laugh at his expense as he obediently does whatever Skylar orders him to!
Then Skylar decides to "up the ante" and makes the fat loser LITERALLY LICK THE CHICKEN GREASE OFF THE SOLES OF HER WORK SHOES! And to add insult to injury, she makes the loser PAY her for the chicken grease! (Her rationale to Amber is: "Because it has been stepped on by ME- and I am SO far out of his league that he is LUCKY that I let him lick the grease off the soles of my shoes that has been stepped on by ME!") So Amber wants the bottom of HER old work flats licked clean now TOO! AND she wants to be PAID for it too now, bitch! And Skylar is so nice, she let's Amber take some money from this "good regular customer" of hers too!
Then Skylar "goes on BREAK"! Her and Amber LAUGH about how "hard she has been working" and how she DESERVES a break! She even orders her "regular customer" to GO WAIT HER TABLES FOR HER while SHE is on break! AND he has to fetch her tips and deliver them to her! AND he has to wait on HER and bring HER order to her, because SHE wants to eat while she is on break now!
Amber is in awe of this and cannot WAIT to work here! Skylar says she hasn't even seen the best part! She makes the fatass loser literally lay on the floor and RUB HER FEET while she is on break and enjoying HER lunch! She even ties her old tennis shoe that she has been wearing to work for YEARS to his FACE so he has to inhale her FOOT SCENT the entire time he is rubbing her feet!! Skylar explains to Amber that girls like her are SO fucking hot that old losers like this crave ANYTHING they can get from them- even their spit, or the rank smell of their old shoes. And she makes the fat old man literally PAY her just to let him rub her feet!!
THIS IS A GREAT CLIP AND TRULY SHOWS HOW HOT GIRLS CAN GET ANYTHING THEY WANT FROM PATHETIC OLD LOSERS- AS LONG AS THEY KNOW HOW HOT THEY ARE, AND USE IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE! Follow this series to see how Amber does as a "Hooters Girl" once SHE joins the team, after learning so much from Skyalr as her "trainer"!
It is time for all of you to meet "Queen Grace". Yes, this is supposed to be "American Mean Girls", but Grace came to us and her spoiled bratty attitude seemed like it would fit right in around here- even though she is British! As she walks in, I have 3 of my slaves all scurrying around the kitchen on their hands & knees scrubbing the floor at my feet. Grace is impressed and amazed at having 3 grown "men" crawling around and working for me like this.
I explain to her how things work around here- and she LOVES it! I command my minions to grovel at my feet and literally WORSHIP me! (And of course, they instantly do as commanded.) Then it is Grace's turn...I send 1 slave off to clean the bathroom, and assign one slave to each of "Queen Grace's" FEET! She now has one slave kissing EACH of her feet and literally worshiping her! She says she could "definitely get used to this..." Queen Grace seems like quite the natural when it comes to slave ownership...
-Goddess Platinum
Skylar is the top-paid waitress at the Hooters in Las Vegas. Her new manager that was just sent in from "corporate" can't figure out why though?? She is lazy, rude to customers, and on this particular Friday she is literally just relaxing in a booth and texting on her phone when she should be working!
When her manager finally confronts her to ask what she thinks she's doing, Skylar tells her "not to worry about it" and that today is "Foot Fetish Friday" at this Hooters. Its a program that she implemented awhile back- and it makes her so much money now that she barely has to even work anymore.
Basically all Skylar does now is put her feet up and let all the "foot freaks" come groveling to her, begging for her stinky feet, and PAYING her ridiculous amounts of $$$ just to sniff and kiss her feet after they have been in her old, dirty work sneakers all day. Skylar's manager can't believe it! That is absolutely ridiculous, she says. "No one would actually pay for that!"
Just then, the "first foot weirdo of the night" comes rushing in and throws himself at Skylars feet- BEGGING her to let him have just a few kisses on her perfect feet, and asking if he is "her first foot customer" of the night? She assures him that he is, and - to her manager's amazement - she snatches a $100 bill out of the loser's hands like it is nothing!
And soon the "foot freak" is sniffing and kissing Skylar's smelly, sweaty socks- while her and her manager laugh right in his face and talk about how easy it is to take his money, like he isn't right there listening to every word as they blatantly insult him! Skylar even brags to her manager that she doesn't even have to be "nice" to these foot freak customers- she can treat them like absolute DIRT and they still come crawling back for more, and BEGGING to give her more $$$ just to kiss her feet after they have been sweating all day inside her tan stockings, wool socks, and old smelly tennis shoes all day!
She laughs about how she walks around now, just thinking about how much MONEY the sweat between her toes earns her...she brags that it is literally like liquid gold to these foot freaks! Especially since Skylar is known for having the oldest shoes and stinkiest feet in the entire Hooters! She even makes this customer PAY her just to lick the "chicken grease" off the soles of her old work shoes!!
After just a few minutes of being literally WORSHIPED by this foot-loser, Skylar has already earned more than a lot of the other waitresses do in an entire WEEK of actually "working" and kissing the asses of "normal" customers!
Skylar's manager wants to get in on she shoves HER foot into the foot-freak's mouth and takes some of his money...and then she begins wondering aloud if she should suggest to corporate that they implement this "Foot Fetish Friday" promotion at all Hooters nationwide!
So I am talking to my aunt Platinum and we are comparing our hot boots when I comment that her boots are kind of dirty and could use a good shine. And she tells me that she actually has a slave that she KEEPS UNDER THE STAIRS for just that purpose!! She even keeps a security camera on it 24/7 so she can check on it with her phone 24/7!
I can't believe it, but she shows me a live video feed of the slave all chained up on her phone, and then walks me down to the "slave quarters" underneath our compound- and there he is! Literally chained and collared underneath the stairs!
We take turns giving him our boots to polish with nothing but his TONGUE- and of course, mocking him the entire time for having such a pathetic life!
-Princess Amber
This particular clip is JUST the FOOTWORSHIP portion of this slave's visit, in which we allow it to worship Our filthy feet as it's "reward" for suffering through our visious "Mean Girl Challenge"! (In which we Trample, Whip, Cane, and Ballbust it to test it's pain capacity for Our videos!)
***Paid Custom Clip for a Member of American Mean Girls***
Queen Platinum has enslaved an entire village. She has them working like slaves for her 24/7- working them to the bone to serve her every evil whim, while she relaxes on her throne. The town's hero has returned from epic battles in far-off lands and is appalled to find his countrymen (and women!) working like slaves for this evil, but beautiful Queen.
What spell has she cast over his people? He MUST stop her treachery and free his people! He pays her a visit in her lair and defiantly stands before her as she sits arrogantly upon her royal throne... The Hero knows that if he simply vanquishes The Evil Queen, it will do nothing to break the spell she has cast over them, and his people as mindless zombies forever.
So as he tries to peacefully compel The Queen to release his people from her spell, she makes him a proposal- all he must do is kneel before her and kiss her royal feet. Our hero is aghast at the idea of kneeling before a woman- let along THIS evil woman! But after much contemplation and soul-searching, he decides that he MUST sacrifice his dignity for just this one moment in time...he must do it for the freedom and dignity of his people.
So the hero reluctantly kneels before her- as an evil and all-knowing grin spreads across the Evil Queen's lips...she extends her foot and commands her nemesis to remove her shoe for "the kiss" to free his people. She insists that it be placed on the very BOTTOM of her royal foot! The absolute LOWEST part of her body! Our Hero only momentarily objects, as his dignity has already been diminished this far- what is one more level of indignity?
He removes her shoe- and the aroma assaults his senses almost immediately! It wafts up from her pungent stockings and invades his nostrils...causing his mind to tingle and his thoughts to become cloudy...his body begins to go numb...within mere seconds all he can think about is...PLEASING HIS QUEEN! The laughter coming from above him confirms his thoughts that this aroma is sealing his doom.
The Evil Queen knows that our Hero is completely under her spell now. She commands him to "inhale deeply" as she spreads her toes and covers his nostrils with her stockinged foot...he is completely entranced now...and HELPLESS. This would-be "hero" is now just another helpless minion who will do her bidding at the snap of her evil fingers and will worship her like a god- just like the rest of his pathetic village of peasants!
What will become of our Hero? How far will The Evil Queen go to humiliate him for her amusement and entertainment? Is he truly a mindless puppet at her command- FOREVER? Watch to find out... TO BE CONTINUED...???
So this slave just does not quite know how to WORSHIP us Mean Girls the way we deserve to be worshipped. We need him to GROVEL and show that he understands how BENEATH us he is. I inform my girlfriend (who is behind the camera fiilming all this and laughing her ass off) that the best way to instill true humility and devotion in a loser slave is to make it lick the dirt off your shoes. Especially the bottoms. LOL. It should lick the dirt we STEP on off the bottom of our shoes and SWALLOW it to make it understand how beneath us it is. -Princess Cindi
I am revving the engine of my Cadillac over and over...slamming my stiletto ankle boots onto that pedal to make it HUM for me!
-Goddess Platinum
We basically just humiliate this European loser by making him kiss Our American feet and then shoving our big feet down his throat until he almost throws up lol. He is like almost gagging the whole time and we are like screaming at him that if he throws up on our feet we are going to whip him to shreds within an inch of his life! He is soooo scared of us haha. FEATURING: Princess Ashley, Princess Chanel
This slave is giving us terrible foot massages, so we make him worship our feet until he remembers his place in life- which is at our feet!