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Squishing Fatso For His Life Insurance Money

Mya and I are talking about how I have this slave that so gross and annoying.  He even complains when I take money from him, even though it is only like a few thousand a month!  Like what is up with that?? 

So Mya suggests that they have this "shrinking machine" over at the Brat Princess sorority house that I can use.  It sounds awesome!  She suggests that we can just shrink the fat loser...and SQUASH him!  And it is like SO much easier to dispose of a slave if it is only like 2 inches tall!  

But Mya makes a good point- even though I am like SO over this slave, I don't want to give up his money!  But of course, I am a smart Princess so I make ALL my slaves get big life insurance policies.  That way whenever I get sick of a particular slave, I can just "get rid of them"- and collect the life insurance money!  And there is a specific stipulation in the policy that if the policyholder goes missing for more than 6 months, the money gets paid out to the beneficiary.  (ME!)  We just need to make this fat loser "disappear".  And I am so nice that I promise Mya that since she is helping me I will split the $$$ with her.  :)

So its not long before we have the slave shrunk and at our feet...and at our mercy!  We decide to play with him a little bit though before we "end" him...maybe if he begs hard enough I will let him live?

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