Footslaves Among Us
While I was out shopping at the mall with one slave I noticed another loser following Me around, staring at My feet and drooling like a fucking retardd. It's like I tell all My girlfriends- footslaves are all around you. You just need to know how to spot them. ;)
So I call him over and he is SO nervous. LOL. He even freaks when security walks by. Like we are doing a drugg deal or something. LOL. (Although My feet ARE like druggs to So I end up deciding to enslave him using his lust for My feet against him to turn him into a mindless, pathetic drooling zombie for Me. Soon I have him at My house, doing chores for Me, cleaning, doing dishes- even sorting and folding My boyfriend's laundry! LOL Sooo easy...
I wish more women would just use the power they have to enslave ALL foot-addicts like this and make them work for US to make Our lives better. That is how it SHOULD be!