Foot-Shavings For Dinner
I have to say there is something SO gross about eating someone else's deadd skin- ESPECIALLY if it is off their FEET. LOL. But at the same time, from MY perspective there is also something truly worshipful about it! (And MY perspective is all that matters anyway!) Watching someone willingly and GRATEFULLY eat the deadd skin scraped off My feet...BEG for it, even...HAHAHA!!! I LOVE IT! Listening to slaves BEG just for My discarded WAYSTE to CONSUME to show their DEVOTION to their Goddess
In this one My main slave that pays Me the most $$$ every month gets to lick the skin-scrapings off of My gorgeous, PERFECT feet after I use this new callous-remover thing another slave sent Me. ISN'T HE A LUCKY SLAVE?? DON'T YOU WISH THIS WAS YOU???
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