First-Time Tongue-Shine
Princess Selma has decided that after kicking a slave's balls in for the first time, she now wants to see what its like to sit on a throne make a grown man literally BOW DOWN to her and LICK THE DIRT OFF OF HER SHOES.
She normally works as a waitress, so she LOVES having this kind of POWER over someone! (especially a man!) You can see it in the look on her face and hear it in her condescending comments...("I can't believe you let people kick you in the balls. You're PATHETIC" as he grovels at her feet and humbly licks the filth off the soles of her shoes..)
And the look on her face is one that is mixed with power and disgust as the slave laps its tongue across the filthy soles of her shoes...
(Two pairs of shoes are worn by the Princess and licked clean, as she decided to put on a second pair and make further use of the slave's tongue while she had it at her disosal.)
A VERY hot clip! Princess Selma is a Latina beauty to dye for!