This is just the beating of this slave that came over to clean My house, in which I trample and beat this loser that came to TRY to be in My videos. The housecleaning portion has been cut out. So you can just see how pathetic and WEAK he is when I am beating him after his sh*tty "cleaning" job he did (he probably couldn't see out of that stupid fucking mask that he just had to wear!) and how he BEGS for Me to end the clip...and how I literally fucking kick him out at the end!!!
I am starting to think that this is why you losers are slaves- because you aren't REAL MEN. You can't fuck, you can't take pain, and you can't even clean right! WORTHLESS!!! This loser will NEVER meet any of the hot girls that I have filming with Me now! Because he couldn't even get through a tryout with ME! Can you imagine what somebody like Princess Jeanie would do to him?? LOL! What a waste of My time... -Queen Kasey