We are working on the "reprogramming" of the feeble male mind. The ultimate goal, of course, is to enslave ALL men- whether they "want" to be or not. :)
Goddess Randi has already torturred and abused these slaves. Now She has actually implanted an electrode into the their brains so she can control them completely and literally reprogram their brains with her computer! She is simply testing it out...
*This was a Custom Request*
You are so pathetic for feet that you are now going to become My footslave- for LIFE. That's right the rest of your life - every single second of it - is going to be dedicated to serving My FEET and My SHOES. THEY are more important than you.
Download this clip hear how pathetic I think you are and listen to every little detail of what your duties will be from now on- until you DYE.
Goddess alexis is laying out and catching some sun when she calls you over and demands a footmassage from you. Then she notices that you are getting a hardon from rubbing her feet! She scolds you for being unable to control your urges around her size 10 feet. She decides that the only way to punish you - and make sure she can get some real relaxation and service - is to pound the cum out of your cock. So she commands you to turn your cock over to her so she can go to work on it with both her hands and feet at the same time!
At the end she makes a deal with you, slave- She is going to make you cum with her gorgeous feet rubbing and pressing on your cock AND you will get to be her personal slave for the rest of your life, BUT- you will be locked up in chastity for the rest of your miserable, pathetic life after you cum...will you be able to resist? Or is your urge to cum on her feet too much for you to resist? Even if it leads to a life of chastity and frustration...just for one spurt of cum on her feet....?
I decided to put on a show for My Boyfriend- using My slaves! It was SO much fun training them hard- and now I was going to humiliate them for Our entertainment! They are like animalls to Us anyways so a circus performance was like the perfect way to use them to entertain Us!
I make them do all sorts of humiliating things while cracking My riding crop down on them. I have 2 dogggs and a male that I cross-dressed as a kittty-katt. I make them jump through hoops for Us- literally. LOL! I even make them kiss My boots to THANK Me for training them and using them to put on a show for My boyfriend! My boyfriend just watches and laughs at these pathetic fucks that work for Us and let us treat them like fucking animalls.
Perfections Foot-slave for life! (HD) (custom requests) Want to hear what it would be like to be My footslave for the rest of your worthless, pathetic life? Well, I fucking OWN you now. You are ging to KNEEL before Me at My feet and I'm going to tell you EXACTLY the level of dedication I EXPECT out of you toward My FEET. EVen My SHOES are better than you. In fact, the DIRT on the BOTTOM of My shoes is more important than you!
You KNOW I am like the most popular girls in school and would never even TALK to a loser like you unless you absolutely grovelled at My feet and did WHATEVER I told you to do, right? So I decided I'm going to keep you locked up in my closet and you are going to have to sepnd the rest of your life LICKING THE DIRT OFF OF MY SHOES...LOL!
I even talk about how I stepped in gum the other day and now that I own you, I would use your TEETH to scrape it off in front of all My friends while We all LAUGH at you! Loser.
As for the REST of you losers, go to My Blog and then to My WISHLIST AND BUY ME SOMETHING!!! Real slaves send gifts as tribute to Me and My beauty!!
-Princess Perfection
Paying For Our Panties - LONG VERSION (720HD). This is just some insight into what really happens when you buy OUR personal items. First of all, we POPULAR Girlz know that EVERYTHING that we touch is like super precious to you losers. Just because it has been worn on OUR bodies makes it like HOLY to you. LOL. And that includes especially our PANTIES! Because trust us, our used panties are as close as a loser like you will EVER get to our pussies!
And we really did get some loser that bought BOTH of our panties and we really are filling out the envelopes and sealing them up in ziplock baggies to send off to him! (So Ryse, you will DEFINITELY want to download this clip! LOL! Just to hear us laugh at you...)
And just for the record, anybody that buys our stuff not only REALLY does get it sent to by us, but you might even get a phonecall from a blocked number like this slave did! Not to mention a video like this of Us sending our panties, socks, shoes etc to you...
Download the clip to hear what he paid and what we have to say about him! And yes, this clip is 10 dollars because sales of it go towards Us getting MORE stuff for US!
My legs are PERFECT- and we both KNOW it. That's WHY I am "Princess Perfection"! Download this clip just so you can drool over them, loser- because that is as close as you will ever get to them. LOL! I want to see how many of you download this- just so I can laugh at you. Don't worry, I will talk directly to you- in the clip anyway. Who wants to be a slave for My legs...?? :)
-Princess Perfection
We have decided that we want to USE and profit from financial slaves- and that we want to LOCK THEM IN so they HAVE to pay when we tell them to! We will be NICE however and give you the ability to set a "limit" of how MUCH we can take from you each month. And we promise won't go over it. BUT you BETTER fucking give it to us when we demand it!! No matter WHAT. Or ELSE...
Cuz if you follow our steps in this clip we WILL ruin you if you don't do as we order you to! Can you imaging getting a call from a "blocked number" on a Saturday night and its US (Me or Princess Perfection) on the other end laughing at you and demanding you send Us Our tribute for this month??? OMG you would probably sh*tt your pants wouldn't you, piggy? LOL.
***(Clip includes Our direct personal contact info and how to become our blackmailed pay-pig!!)***
Goddess Alexis is laying out and catching some sun while enjoying her stay at the Mean Girl Manor when she calls you over and demands a footmassage from you. Then she notices that you are getting a hardon from rubbing her feet! She scolds it for being unable to control it's urges around her size 10 feet. She decides that the only way to punish you - and make sure she can get some real relaxation and service - is to pound the cum out of your cock. So she commands you to turn your cock over to her so she can go to work on it with both her hands and feet at the same time! She even teases it with her looong nails while mocking you for being SOOO pathetic for her FEET.
And then at the end she makes you a deal, slave- She will make you cum with just her gorgeous feet rubbing and pressing on your cock AND you will get to be her personal slave for the rest of your life after she squeezes the cum out of your cock. BUT- you will be locked up in chastity for the rest of your miserable, pathetic life...will you be able to resist? Or is your urge to cum on her feet too much for you to resist? Even if it leads to a life of chastity and frustration...just for one spurt of cum on her feet.
Princess Jennifer stops by the Mean Girl Manor and meets the beautiful Princess Tasha Reign for the first time. She decides to give Tasha a demonstration- she has never seen a real-life slave beaten before. Princess Jennifer is of course MORE than happy to show her that this sh*tt is real. She pulls a slave out of its cage and starts by commanding it to bow to its newest ruler- Princess Tasha. It humbly kisses her feet. Tasha laughs at it and comments that this "thing" is lucky just to kiss the feet of a girl like HER!
Then they both use crops, canes and whips to beat on the slave for fun. Tasha is AMAZED that she can just treat another person like this and abuse it as much as she wants! Princess Jennifer reminds her- it is not a "person". It is a SLAVE. And they were CREATED for hot girls like them to beat on for THEIR fun & enjoyment!
Princess Leya from Men Are Slaves decides to truly exert her dominance amongst the lowly servants at Mean Girl Manor. She decides that while she is there house-sitting for the Mean Girls (while We were gone on a slave-paid for vacation!) that these low-lifes need to truly learn to FEAR her! She decides to give one of them the "Men Are Slaves treatment"- so they all will learn how bad their lives really COULD be! They have never tasted the bullwhip before...but it is something that is used routinely on the slaves to keep them in line at "Men Are Slaves Manor". ;) And there is nothing like a bullwhip to deliver PAIN to a grovelling slave! This one is chosen to serve as the "example" to the others because it did a poor job cleaning Princess Leya's car tires with its tongue.
With the very first crack of the whip, this slave is literally SCREAMING for mercy. But none comes, of course. Just more (and HARDER!) cracks of the whip on its pathetic body, while Princess Leya literally LAUGHS with glee at its suffering. She grabs it by the hair at one point and asks it if it would like her to stop whipping it and let it leave. It begs to stay and be whipped by her more! (Of course, she also whispered in its ear that she would have it castrated it first before she let it leave!) Princess Leya lets the slave know that no matter how much she hurts it, that it should be THANKFUL that she is even letting it live!
Princess Leya goes on to sadistically whip the slave until it is literally in tears- which only serves to feed her sadistic lust and make her want to hurt it even more. Then she grabs it by the hair again and explains coldly that her boyfriend will be stopping by later...and not only does he want HIS car's tires cleaned with its tongue as well, but they also BOTH going to beat it afterward! The slave's world can not get much worse...and then the beating continues...
The slaves can only hope that Princess Leya doesn't move in permanently to Mean Girl Manor!! The suffering for all of them would be tremendous. Too bad..LOL.
While Princess Leya from Men Are Slaves is visiting Mean Girl Manor she decides to have fun with one of the slaves. Nothing degrades another human being more than to have their face burped and farted in. LOL. So she sits right on this piece of sh*ts face and lets rip with a few good farts right on him. She is drinking some soda to REALLY build up some nice burps for him. And O-M-G can she BUUURP! Wow! Princess Leya lets out some WORLD-CLASS burps from DEEP down right into the loser's FACE! You have to see the video to believe how amazingly loud and long her belches are!!
And whenever she feels like it she just plops her ass right back down on its face and lets another fart rip right nown its throat! LOL. So humiliating for the slave.
Princess Leya from Men Are Slaves has stopped by Mean Girl Manor to "house sit" while the Mean Girls are on a slave-paid vacation. She decides to sit in the famous "Mean Girl Pink Throne"- but just sitting in the throne is not enough for her. She decides to throw a couple of the Manor slaves worthless bodies underneath it to give her more height and prestige. <p>
And she makes sure that the back legs of the throne are positioned right on the creatures' groins- to drill into them with every passing minute her superiority as a female as they feel her weight driving the throne's legs into their bodies beneath her. (And Princess Leya is not a small girl! Not to mention the throne itself is very heavy...) This is just the beginning for the slaves as Princess Leya begins to make herself "comfortable" at Mean Girl Manor...
We were contacted by the beautiful Tasha Reign (a real-life Penthouse Pet!) to come over to the Mean Girl Manor so she could see what it was really like to literally be WORSHIPPED like a Goddess and served hand & foot by REAL slaves.
She came by a little earlier than expected and immediately began to make use of the slaves in the back yard while she waited on Princess Jennifer to come by to show her how to beat them. Ms. Reign walks out onto the patio and barks at the slaves (who are instinctively bowing down to her, as they have been trained to do!) to begin massaging her feet IMMEDIATELY!
They jump into action and do as they are told, both desperate to try to please this beautiful blonde goddess, as she casually relaxes and flips through one of the many magazines she has been featured in. She is quick to remind the losers as they both work to please her-
"Do you KNOW who I AM?? I am Tasha FUCKING Reign! Losers like you are LUCKY to even be rubbing my FEET! Now WORSHIP ME!!!"
And Our slaves immediately begin kissing and lapping at her perfect size 7 feet. (She told us later that she absolutely loved the feeling of having each of her feet shoved deep into a dedicated slave's mouth! One for each foot...she wished she could be treated like this 24/7!) Eventually she decides to "up the ante" and see how desperate she can make them to please she momentarily puts down her magazine - taking a break from admiring herself - to tell them that whoever worships her feet the best and with the most "enthusiasm" will get to be used as her "personal oral sex slave" later! Needless to say, the slaves go nuts on her feet after this, and Ms. Reign just sits back, enjoys their desperate efforts to please her, and laughs at how pathetic these fools at her Royal feet are...
Princess Anna wants to simply stand outside and watch the beautiful sunset while she enjoys a cigarette while taking a break from filming. But she doesn't want to stand on the cold, hard concrete OR the itchy, dirty grass. So she uses one of the slaves as a human doormat to casually stand on while she enjoys the view- and her cigarette.
Princess Anna is quite tall (and therefore rather heavy) so the poor skinny slave struggles underneath her, but she doesn't seem to care. She even shoves her foot into its mouth on occasion, leaving all of her considerable weight on one foot- just because she wants to add to her satisfying moment the feeling of a tongue between her toes while she takes a drag on her cigarette and takes in the beautiful view...
And this is what slaves are for.
Goddess Alexis & Queen Farah are having some fun with one of our slaves. They just got done putting it through some forcced intoxxx and then shoved it into a cage to let it take effect. (not shown) Then they come back awhile later to drag it back out and put a MASSIVE beating on it for their own entertainment. They LOVED the fact that it HAD to let them do whatever they wanted to it! So they really let it have it! HAHA!
At one point one of them is kicking it right in the nuts WHILE the other one is beating it's ass with a cane!! Apparently it looks rather painful. LOL. (Based on the slave's reaction.) It has a hard time remaining standing with it's legs spread open nice and wide for Queen Farah to kick it in the nuts as hard as she wants over & over. But it is a REALLY entertaining scene as Queen Farah kicks it in the nuts as hard as she can with her pointed-toe boots and Goddess Alexis follows it up immediately with a hard cane-crack on its ass...and back & forth they go...cane, kick, cane, kick...all the while laughing their asses off at its suffering and the fact that it HAS to let them keep doing this to it for as long as they want- just because they COMMAND it to!
Princess Perfection humiliates her slave by making him lick her blue jeans and the bootm of her thigh high boots. First she makes the slave beg. Then she makes hi lick and polish all the studs on her jeans with his tongue. She makes the slave lick the pockets and her ass through her jeans. Later she makes him kneel and clean the bottom of her boots with his tounge. She switches to POV humiliation in the middle of this clip so you can get the feel of how humiliating it is to be her personal slave. At the end she steps on the slaves hands with her full weight. She digs her boots into his hands repeatedly. She grinds and twists her boots into his hands and then walks out leaving the slave in pain on the floor.
This is a 20+ minute clip and the first one with Our newest "Mean Girl", Princess Anna. And the first thing she wants to do with a slave that has been given to her is to make it BEG to cum. She thinks it's hilarious that it is THIS pathetic that it has to literally BEG her to let it cum. So she decides to make it as FUN for HER as possible- and as UN-ENJOYABLE for the slave as possible!
She starts by giving it a "footjob"- and she simply could not care less about it's satisfaction. It will fuck Her foot and be grateful for it! Then she eventually positions it up on the chair - upside down & bent over so its cock is above its face! - and begins to give it a hard, mean handjob. She even places her foot right on its face like it is nothing- just for her own comfort. Eventually she makes this pathetic creature cum...and it BETTER make its load shoot all over its own face for Her entertainment, or ELSE...!
We got the slave ***k and basically just threw him at Princess Jennifer's feet and let her have her way with him. LOL. This isn't purely 4 minutes of facebusting and slapping- but that is a lot of what she does to him. Because she thinks its funny. She also stomps around on him and kicks him in the balls for good measure. It is just general Mean-Girl abuse... And this is real life so we decided to post it. PJ has so much fun slapping slaves around. LOL.
Goddesses Farah and Alexis Grace decide to "reward" their new arab foot-slave with a humiliating "meal". It hasn't eaten in awhile, so it is happy for anything We will provide... So we decide to get Our feet NICE n DIRTY for the new slave- and feed it DIRT off of our FEET! Because that is all this fucking loser DESERVES. Although we do take turns spitting big loogies into its mouth to help it wash down all that DIRT! Isn't that kind of us?? And then we give him a surprise at the end! LOL.