I'm busy on my phone and you are just a loser anyway so I will let you watch this video of my feet and legs while I ignore you.
- Goddess Rodea
I'm here at Mean Girl Manor to get my boots YOU! Just take one look at me and tell me you wouldn't love to be down there kissing my boots! Well, here is your close up view. It's as if you are really there licking my spit off the bottom of my boots.
Oh, and I also give you my email and wishlist info in this clip with interactive video instruction on how I want you to contact me as my new boot licker!
- Goddess Rodea
We're gonna play a game loser... You take a good look at each of my selected body parts and stroke it! But there's a catch... If I decide to make you stop stroking, you have to ruin your orgasm, Haha!
I am going to give you enough close ups of each parts of my body and dirty talk to make you want to shoot that load all over yourself. But, only I can say if you are allowed to stroke it or not! And even if you do leak a little fraction of an orgasm, I am going to instruct you to do something very degrading. I and I want emails and twitter messages all about how you obeyed me!
-Goddess Nina Elle
Have you ever dreamed of coming over to serve a Goddess? ...only to be told that you would only be cleaning her shoes while she leaves to go out with a real man? Well, today is your lucky day! You get a First Person Point Of View camera angle showing you EXACTLY what that's like.
I'm going to go into detail... Every shoe must be cleaned with your tongue and restored to perfect condition. I am even going to let you have 1 kiss on my shoe before I leave. Oh, and I will be sure to tell all my friends about you. You are going to be sending me pictures of your tongue on my shoes when ever I text you for a humiliating picture for us to laugh at. Your humiliation gets even better but I will wait for you to watch the clip to see what else I am going to make you do!
- Goddess Nina Elle
Wake up...Wake up bitch. I gave you a little pill that made you sleepy and now your safe in this cage. So... you thought you were going to come over here and be my slave? You thought it was that easy? Well...I have news for you!
I only keep my slaves for about a month. Yup,I am so nice that I have to be fair to all the losers that want to serve me so I let a new one serve every month. That means I have to plan to destroy the old slave by the end of the month. I mean, I can't have you telling the cops that I kicked your balls so hard every other day that your begged for the end of your life. So I'm giving you this pill every day...and it will kiill you like cancer but faster. You will last a month tops.
But the best part is... I want you to beg for it! Yes, everyday I want you to jerk off in your cage while begging for the pill. I could just as easily bump you off in one shot, but this is so much more satisfying. How does it feel knowing that I thoroughly enjoy doing this to you, huh? Face to face, slowly...everyday for a month! Sometimes I even let my camera phone slip and show the slave beneath me just to show everyone that I am above peons like this idiot.
Now I want you to stroke it and when I count down I want you to beg me for this pill that is going to kiill you. Stroke...You know you want this... Now make your worship puddle to my beauty, in your cage! Ah.. now here's your pill that you begged for! Oh my, what's the matter... getting sleepy already? It works fast huh bitch! Lights out!
-Empress Jennifer
Look at me taking silent kissy face videos of myself for hot guys, while this peon worships mt feet. THAT's It! That's the video! What a dope, I'm letting the real men adore my gorgeous hair and face on video while he only gets to lick between my toes. This is 15 MINUTES of heaven for me...I get to look at how pretty I am on my phone and also degrade a slave at the same time. I just love myself! Sometimes I even let my camera phone slip and show the slave beneath me just to show everyone that I am above peons like this idiot. -Empress Jennifer
So, you want to know what it's like to be my HUMAN GARBAGE CAN? Well, here is an up close POV view from inside my real garbage can. Many of you write to me here via MEAN GIRLS and want to come over to Mean Girl Manor and serve me but after you clean everything I would probably just throw you away in the garbage and order you to sit in there until the next garbage day. So this is your chance to see how I would really treat you! Enjoy Peasant!
So you want to be our HUMAN DOORMAT? Well, All my friends are coming over and we are going to wipe our shoes on your tongue. But first you are going to lick our shoes clean and then I am going to tell you all about the toxic garbage I have stepped in all day. Yup, I said toxic, you probably wont live to see tomorrow so you better enjoy the party! But hey, at least you can dig into all the creases of those boots with your tongue and shoes knowing that it doesn't matter right? I mean your not going to live anyway so enjoy the pooo, grime, piss and everything else that is on all the shoes tonight and thank them for giving it to you!
So you want to get back with me and you say if that's not possible you want me to be happy...even if it's with another guy? OK, well, I will take you up on that! No...we are not getting back together but I do want to test you and see if you really love me enough to support me being happy with another man. A real man, not like you!
Oh, listen to yourself...You wonder how I got over you??? Well, Either it was easy because you are a shrimp dick loser or I am not over you. But...If I'm not over you, and you want me to be happy ...You have to help me get over you, Right??? I mean you said you did want me to be happy...and you would do anything for me, right? Well, what would make me happy is for you to thank him for being more wonderful than you and beg to suck his dick in front of me, ON YOUR KNEES. Yup, after that, no one will ever see you as a real man and I will be over you for sure!
Awe, are you to scared and embarrassed to beg him for some dick? Don't worry, I already told him you are going to! He even picked out a cute outfit for you to wear and he's coming over now! Better do what he says! He's much bigger and manlier than you and he will beat the out of you is you disobey either of us! Buy you wont disobey, Right? You do want me to be happy, Right?
-Goddess Nikkole
This is me trying on boxes and boxes of flats for foot losers.
Hey, Why do my fans send me flats, I guess you want to lick the dirt off the bottom of the shoes I kick around in and wear for long period of time to get them extra dirty, huh? Maybe you actually like sexy high heels better but you acknowledge that you are not even worthy to enjoy licking a high heel so you resign to the fact that you have to worship my boring old flats.
Well here is what I think of you and these boring flats you send me. I will do you the favor of seeing me wear the ugly ones for about 5 seconds. The cute ones I might actually wear. But you might want to buy the ugly ones back from me, after all I did have my foot in them for 5 seconds. That should be enough for you to build a monument to me in your bedroom. You can put up print out posters of me next to then and pray to me everyday.
- Princess Cindi
We are taking a smoke break out in the garage between clips- and yet we are still tormenting a slave lol. This thing is in its cage and we need an ashtray- like NOW! So me n Cindi have fun flicking our ashes directly into it mouth and eventually putting our cigs out on its tongue before we go back in to shoot some more clips. Cindi loves how the cig actually "sizzles" as she puts it out on the slave's tongue! LOL
-Goddess Nikkole
As a big time model, Charlotte is kinda used to walking all over men- but never like this! We show her how we LITERALLY walk all over men here at Mean Girl Manor- to remind them of their place BENEATH Us!! And We wear our stiletto heels while we do it, just to really DRILL the point into them. LOL. She got the biggest kick out of it and took to it quite nicely.
It really is the easiest way to break a slave. You just simply put on a sexy pair of stiletto heels and casually stand on them, letting your heels sink nice n deep into their flesh...until they are begging you for mercy. And this one moans and groans like a little BITCH throughout the clip- until he finally cracks and begs like he is begging for his life! LOL. (which he very well might be for all we know! And we don't care...)
-Empress Jennifer
I'm just laying out relaxing and texting my boyfriend and it is like SUPER hot out. I am getting all sweaty and I can just feel the sweat dripping in the crack of my ass. So I decide to use one of the house slaves at mean Girl Manor to lick the ass-sweat out of the crack of my ass while I relax.
It actually solves the problem and feel good at the same time. I love having these submissive idiots around to use for whatever I want at the snap of my fingers... :)
-Goddess Raven
So some loser actually contacted me through this site and wanted to buy my old, sweaty, used socks! LOL I couldn't believe it! So I made him pay me just to bow naked before me as I sat upon the Mean Girls throne. After some groveling and more tribute cash, I let him take my socks off my royal feet and stick those socks in his mouth while I describe in detail where I have been in those used socks, haha!
Oh, and since he likes those socks so much I make him start making out with the one in his left hand. Haha. What a faggot! haha! Then I make him suck that sock like a dick for my amusement! Keep going...Smelly Sock Sucking Faggot Loser.
Then for the grand finale, I tell him he gets to actually fuck one of socks! I wonder how does that feel? To be such a low life pervert that you actually PAY me just to kneel at my feet and BEG to fuck my used SOCK? (Oh, and afterward I make him CLEAN my sock with his MOUTH after he shoots his "worship puddle" into it! Haha!!! OMG slaves will do anything I say...I love it!)
-Princess Cindi
*(For those that want to "buy Our socks" and other used items or be a slave in Our videos- this slave did it correctly. He sent a deposit, showed up as directed, and PAID Princess Cindi whatever she demanded for her socks. For those of you that contact Us begging for these kinds of things- learn from his example! If you do what WE say, you can get what you so desperately want. If not, won't. lol.)
Haha...we showed no mercy for this trample slave. When he tried to complain that I was breaking his ribs, Empress Jennifer just stuck her shoe in his mouth again! Hop...Jump...Hop...Jump...Awe, what's that??? I'm gonna break your rib? haha!
So many high points to trampling this loser. Empress Jennifer steps full weight on both his hands when he tries to touch my ankles. But...the most pathetic part is his ridiculous screaming noises. Hey, he sent in his deposit to visit Mean Girl Manor and begged us to abuse him! You wanted it...You got it! LOL!
-Goddess Raven.
I just wanna say Thank You to Empress Jennifer! :) This is what I call an appropriate introduction to you losers. If you want to meet me you can expect to start with begging to lick the dirt off the bottom of my shoes. But I need a little more than that to test your level of pathetic devotion. My shoes were once "red bottoms" but some of the red color has worn off. Maybe - just MAYBE - if you lick until your tongue is tattered and raw, perhaps the "red stuff" that leaks out of your tongue will make them red again! Haha. Show your willingness to SACRIFICE for me- and MAYBE I will consider you worthy or the next level of humiliating servitude.
-Goddess Farrah
Goddess Suvana is sitting outside in her daisy dukes, bikini top, and old, OLD dirty sneakers. (These are shoes she has had since she was in HIGH SCHOOL- in REAL LIFE!) She is playing on her phone. A guy with a foot fetish is sitting off a ways, staring at her feet in those old sneakers...and you can HEAR his thoughts in the video about how much he wishes he could just lick the sweat from between her toes.
Then you can hear Suvana's thoughts as she catches him staring- "OMG what a creepy loser staring at me over there. A loser like that would be lucky just to lick the dirt off the bottom of my shoes. I hope he doesn't approach me. I'll have to put him in his place..."
The loser eventually gets his courage up and approaches her and the best he can come up with is to offer to PAY her just to kneel at her feet because she is so beautiful. She snatches his $$$, laughs at him, and demands he lick her shoes and BEG just to stay near her, kneeling at her feet. She doesn't think he will really do that here in public, and she will be done with him- and keep his $20.
But she can't believe he actually DOES it! And the camera captures her thoughts as he degrades himself for her like this- you can hear her thoughts as she "thinks" about how it kind of "strangeely turns her on to humiliate this loser and how she can't wait to see her boyfriend later tonight..."
Meanwhile the loser is thinking about what her feet must be like inside those shoes... Suvana starts to tell the loser how dirty her feet are, how her toes aren't even done, and how OLD these shoes are and she not even wearing socks so her feet are super sweaty out here in the hot sun. But she mockingly tells him that it would "turn her on" to see him debase himself by licking the sweat off of her dirty feet to prove how beautiful she is to him...
The rest of clip you get to hear Goddess Suvana's inner thoughts as she thinks to herself that "it kind of DOES turn me on to have my feet worshipped and debase this spineless peasant like this... And it ends with her telling him that she "might actually keep him around- IF he "does whatever she says" then she asks him if he is desperate enough to lick her feet while she is fucking her hot model boyfriend!
Two women with GREAT bodies are wearing bikinis at a pool party. Two losers approach them and hit on them. They are appalled and laugh, then whisper a plan to each other. They tell the losers that whoever can hold their breath the longest can go out with BOTH of them.
The two girls hold the two males underwater with their legs. While the boys are underwater, the girls talk about shopping, gossip, tv, etc. They also laugh while the boys are underwater that they aren't going out with EITHER of them even if they hold their breathe FOREVER and drownn! The girls even see bubbles, and they don't let the boys up and keep ignoring them longer. SO they either drown or get rejected and laughed at- their choice! (Whether they know it or not!)
At the end one that eventually "wins" is really a LOSER- because he passess out under water and the girls just push him away with their foot and laugh as they watch him float off face-down in the pool!
Two guys and the girl are having an argument about which is the superior sex. The Guys are saying they have big muscles and that makes them stronger and thus men are superior. The girl is saying women are smarter and sexier and morally superior to the ‘stupid dick-danglers’. She also says something like "most importantly, we don’t have weak dangling balls hanging between our legs. Clearly, god is female, cuz why would she want such ugly, SENSATIVE things hanging there?". The guys call her a bitch and start to advance threateningly towards her, saying stuff like 'A woman's place is in the kitchen' and then the BALLBUSTING begins! Goddess Suvana kicks them both one after the other, full force and dropping them, asking them ‘Ohhhh...did that HURT??’ Even as they are crawling away on all fours, she walks up behind them and busts them! At one point she even LITERALLY GRABS THEM BOTH BY THE BALLS at the same time while they are standing, then she keeps on squeezing til they drop to their knees!
Goddess Suvana shows these two idiot males who the SUPERIOR sex is- until the point that at the end they are both literally groveling at her FEET and BEGGING her for mercy and telling her that WOMEN are superior!! And she just looks down at them with her hands on her hips and a smug look of superiority on her face...
One of Our big slaves is brought in and made to kneel before Me while I sit upon My throne. Goddess Suvana has been wanting to work on her whipping skill- so the I decided to let her have this one to beat on as much as she wants- for her practice, and MY entertainment! And OMG does she let him HAVE it!! She even whips him across the FACE with the bullwhip! (ok, purely an accident, but cruel nonetheless!) And we made this bitch THANK Us for the beating- no matter how severe! Goddess Suvana is as sadistic as she is beautiful! The slaves around here are really starting to fear this gorgeous 19yr old Goddess!
-Queen Kasey