I have decided that the Mean Girls and I are going to be using you for some very EXTREME content, for our own benefit of course. We are bored of losers simply “serving” us by doing chores and laying tribute at our feet. Now we wanna cause you some very real PHYSICAL pain! Extreme brutality, high-risk! Additionally, I will use you for experiments in "unhealthy living".
I will feed you nonstop JUNK. (haha it might be fun to make a slave live off of NOTHING but donuts! Like donuts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner EVERY day!!) ohh and I am also going to use you as a human ashtray EVERY day and you will be eating cigarette butts. Like 10 a day prolly. The best part! The Life Insurance policy!! Yup, we are gona make you get a $2M Life Ins policy- paid out to The Mean Girls!! So we are gona have FUN getting you FAT and full of cancer sticks and treating you like dirt 24/7!
Maybe we will even use you as a FULL HUMAN TOILET toward the end! Imagine us LAUGHING and CELEBRATING your demise because we dont care about you at ALL- all we care about is the MONEY we are gona make whn you finally "go"! HAHA!! It will be so much fun... This clip will be great for depressed slaves, fat lazy slaves, slaves who want to end it all, as well as those that are simply poor and worthless!
THIS will actuallly give your life some MEANING! We are taking applications…
- Miss Lexi Chase
Princess Amber and Goddess Reign are prepping ugly Betty to become an actual “mean girl” (so they keep making her believe lol). Princess Amber tells betty that the better she is at worshiping her feet, the closer she will get to “graduating” her tryout. Betty is ecstatic that her hard work will be paying off sooner or later…
Unfortunately for Betty, she’s actually began to ENJOY worshiping our feet! Princess Amber and Goddess Reign talk about the holidays and what they each want for presents… but the conversation gets interrupted by Bettys heavy panting and obnoxious foot licking. (Almost like she is getting off to it!!!)
Amber and Reign try not to pay too much attention since they have more important things to discuss than how in love Betty is with them! LOL
- Goddess Venus
In this clip, Princess Skylar is wearing her thigh-high latex boots while having a restrained loser lick them up and down. It’s honestly such a privilege for this slave to be THAT CLOSE to a hot pretty girl. Literally, the ONLY thing between Skylar's long soft legs and the loser's tongue, are those black shiny boots!
Princess Skylar explains to it that the other slaves are getting “jealous” of the special treatment it’s been getting. (The Mean Girls are transitioning this slave from male to female for their own personal amusement) However, because of this intensive program this sissy doesn’t get beaten as badly as the other slaves… which is like actually kinda unfair.
That’s why Princess Skylar has made it her mission to really ease the tension in the house between this bimbo and the other pain sluts... Princess Skylar reasons with this loser and explains that NO SLAVE is exempt from pain at the Mean Girl Manor. She literally doesn’t care that it’s not a pain slave and has like ZERO tolerance for it lol.
This is why it’s SO IMPORTANT to beat your slaves on a regular basis… it allows them to get more accustomed to the pain and not cry like little bitches. (Unfortunately for them, we LOVE making them cry like little bitches, beating them harder and harder every time LOL) Skylar uses her crop to COMPLETELY BREAK this beta bitch….
If the intense yelling doesn’t give it away, its BRIGHT RED ass sure will hahahahahahah
- Princess Amber
Miss Lexi Chase uses losers for WHATEVER she feels like! For instance, when she is getting ready and touching up her hair and makeup, she likes it when a slave worships her feet. Lexi Chase often gets caught up staring at her hot self and forgets that the loser is even there, literally LICKING her feet to a clean perfection.
Every now and then she needs to turn and get more comfortable, making the slave readjust for HER comfort only! (Which is literally all that matters) If you’re a pathetic foot freak and love Miss Lexi Chase’s PERFECT PEDICURED TOES, then you won’t wanna miss this. Ohh and Princess Amber was running camera and caught herself in the mirror (which is like totally fine cause she’s a hot mean girl)
- Princess Skylar
Princess Skylar is talking to her alpha about how EASY it is to use betas. These stupid simps are sooo desperate and pathetic that they will do ANYTHING just to be near her. Princess Skylar and her alpha talk about how funny it would be to humiliate a loser together. Skylar feels she hasn’t been spending enough time with Alpha and thinks they should do some fun couples activity… and what’s more fun than degrading a simp together?!
Princess Skylar summons one of her betas into the room where she demands it to kneel before her and alpha. Princess Skylar taunts and teases this loser about what a BIG COCK her alpha has. This scrawny simp is locked in chastity… its dick is too small to please anyone or anything! Skylar's alpha pulls out his MASSIVE cock and makes the simp STARE at what a REAL MAN looks like.
Skylar continues to humiliate and degrade this simp while her alpha strokes his cock and watches it grow even larger! This locked up loser can’t handle the humiliation while Skylar compares his shrinking dick to her alphas thick and large one! Princess Skylar thinks it would be funny to have her beta BEG alpha for it to cum. The poor beta has no idea what alpha will do if and when he decides to finally cum… but knowing Princess Skylar, it will be utterly humiliating! Hahahahahaha
- Princess Amber
Goddess Alexandria and Goddess Nyomi realize that one of the pathetic house slaves didn’t do a good enough job with its chores! Normally Alexandria would be living, dragging this loser across the floor and beating it black and blue. However since Goddess Nyomi is NEW here, Princess Alexandria decides to make an example out of this loser and let Nyomi get experience in slave punishment!
The two mean girls slap this loser around… literally. They take out their rage on this losers face, slapping it over and over again. You can see the slaves face immediately start to swell!!!! (Like they’re hitting it really hard) They think it’s funny how easy it is to wear this beta down… physically and mentally! They tell it to BEG to be put in its place! Princess Alexandria and Goddess Nyomi start to incorporate spitting!
The slaps are breaking open the slaves skin, so now when they spit on those wounds it actually BURNS! HAHAHAHA. They drench this loser in their spit while continuously degrading it and discussing the various ways they can make money off this thing (like spitting in its face!) lol
- Princess Amber
Goddess Venus is sitting at the kitchen table looking stressed on her phone while she gets her feet worshiped. Princess Amber walks in and grabs a snack from the fridge before joing Venus at the table. Goddess Venus needs someone to talk to and asks Princess Amber for some personal advice regarding her relationship. Princess Amber snaps her fingers for a foot slave to worship her feet so she can be all ears for her fellow Mean Girl.
Goddess Venus explains how she has been dating this guy for like TWO WHOLE MONTHS and so they're like crazy in love, but she has been having thoughts about cheating on him with this super hot girl. Princess Amber is so supportive of Venus and gives her honest opinion on the situation. Amber explains how it like wouldn't be fair for her boyfriend to expect her to remain loyal when Venus is so hot.
Like obviously other attractive people are gonna wanna hook up with Venus and she shouldn't have to resist her desires JUST BECAUSE she is in a relationship. Princss Amber thinks that Goddess Venus's boyfriend should do everything he can to make Venus happy, even if that means letting HER do whatever she wants.
That doesn't mean her boyfriend gets the same freedoms, they're NOT in an open relationship. And like he's gotta understand that Venus is probably considering cheating cause shes not getting enough pleasure in her current relationship... like maybe his dick isn't big enough anymore, or he doesn't have the soft touch of a girl etc.
The point is..... Venus deserves to be happy and should do whatever is going to make her happy in that moment. Amber and Venus go back and fourth on the matter, looking at the pros of Venus cheating on her boyfriend, but at the end of the day Venus will have to make this tough decision herself.
Miss Lexi Chase is always going out on dates with hot alpha men, which means she ALWAYS wants to look her best (which isn’t hard lol) Tonight Lexi is contemplating wearing stockings OVER her pantyhose as like an accessory. Funny thing is, she’s already made up her mind (but this loser doesn’t know this when she calls it in for its “opinion” hahaha), Miss Lexi Chase is FULLY aware of the effect she has on this poor beta male and has ZERO problems manipulating it for her advantage (she actually enjoys doing it!!!)
As soon as this loser grovels in and sees Lexi all dressed up and ready to go on a date… she KNOWS she’s already got this loser right where she wants it! She explains how she is going on a hot date tonight and simply can’t decide what looks best with her sexy outfit, stockings or no stockings. The dummy falls for her trick and goons for Miss Lexi Chase immediately, BEGGING to worship her before her hot date!
You can only imagine what Lexi Chase requires of this loser for the opportunity to kiss her perfect feet and legs… like PAYING for her date! Hahahaha
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Mean girls Princess Amber and Princess Mia are spending another day in class with their beta teacher Chip. Its career day at school and the teacher has invited some professionals to come speak with the class. However, things take a turn when Miss Lexi Chase (Dominatrix) shows up to talk about Femdom.
Amber and Mia are soooo excited to be meeting a real life dominatrix and completely ignore their beta teacher when he tries to tell Lexi Chase that she shouldn’t be here. Finally something these Mean Girls are interested in, profiting off beta males! Lexi explains to the girls what it means to be a Dom and uses her slave to demonstrate.
Amber and Mia play with lots of different tools of torment, and even get to ball bust Lexi’s slave in class!!!!! Unfortunately for Mr. Chip, he was totally sucking all the fun outta the room so Miss Chase took care of that! Lol
- Goddess Draya
Princess Amber and Goddess Draya have the house bitches lined up and awaiting their painful fates. It’s been a full twenty four hours and these Mean Girls still haven’t gotten over the fact that one of the slaves MISPRONOUNCED Goddess Draya’s name!!!! So in order to get “over it”, the girls decide to punish this loser until they feel better.
Princess Amber left this loser in a humbler ever since it EMBARRASSED itself in front of her and Goddess Draya, and now they’re gonna use this to their advantage. The loser is already in pain having its balls pulled back tight behind its legs, and now they’re gonna use CROPS to further humble this pathetic useless beta! What’s funny is, Princess Amber had already beaten this loser in the humbler for mispronouncing Draya’s name before (Be Humbler For Mean Girls) and Princess Amber was pretty ruthless then, so imagine how ANGRY Princess Amber and Goddess Draya feel now! Goddess Draya says she hold grudges, so who knows how long it will be for her to forget what this loser did (ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS)
Princess Amber and Goddess Draya have their way with this loser, tormenting it for being a disappointment, while the other slaves kneel and watch. Even though the bring this beta to tears…. is this punishment enough???? LOL (I don’t think so & neither do they)
- Goddess Venus
The Mean Girls are hanging out in the throne room taking selfies and contenting! Goddess Reign gets bored and asks if they can do something fun and like teach her something new. Princess Amber and Goddess Venus agree to teach Reign about whipping!
It’s really easy and a lot of fun. Goddess Reign can’t believe that they ACTUALLY whip slaves! Like these are grown “men” and we’re just tiny hot girls! Princess Amber explains that it’s exciting to watch the whip marks swell on the slave's back. It really shows you how well you’re hitting the slave. Like if you need to hit them harder, how good your aim is etc.
Princess Amber and Goddess Venus teach Goddess Reign the best techniques for whipping a slave and just let her have fun with it. Every time the slave screams, the girls can’t help but laugh at how pathetic it is. Like it just TAKES the pain so it can be around hot girls like us! What a simp hahahahahaha
- Miss Lexi Chase
Goddess Venus just completed her very FIRST day at the Mean Girl Manor! The girls had soooo much fun beating their losers and teaching Venus what it REALLY means to be a Mean Girl! They girls relax and get their feet worshiped while they talk about their favorite activites they did that day!
As a viewer, you really get to see what it's like for the Mean Girls to catch up and "decompress", laughing about all the terrible things they did to some losers LOL
Princess Skylar absolutely loves humiliating and degrading losers, just for the fun of it hahahaha. I decided to follow her around and record all of the humiliating tasks Princess Skylar makes this old fck do just because she can!
- Princess Mia
Princess Hannah is hanging out in her room, texting all her friends when her annoying new step-brother comes in and annoys her. Hannah’s new step-dad wants the step-siblings to spend time together and bond, but Princess Hannah wants NOTHING to do with him!!! (Ever since they moved her life has been a NIGHTMARE! Her allowance went down, the maid was let go, and now she has to go to the SAME SCHOOL as this fucking UGLY FREAK!
In attempt to bond with Hannah, this loser explains how he is struggling at school because of some rumors that are going around. (Something about him not having a penis or whatever LOL) His gf broke up with him and now he is losing friends because of it, but Hannah could care less about his feelings. She exclaims how there’s a rumor going on about her too and it is WAY WORSE than his, so she has her own problems to deal with.
Princess Hannah finds an opportunity to trick her idiot step-brother into something REALLY damaging and humiliating. A CHASTITY cage! Hannah explains that this will actually help him grow his penis, making her loser step-bro believe that she is helping him out. Meanwhile, she has some VERY DEVIOUS plans for his future…. All in which will BENEFIT HER!
- Princess Amber
We get messages here at American Mean Girls ALL the time from losers all over the world basically BEGGING to be used by us. Sometimes I make then REALLY beg...just for my own amusement. As well as to give the other Mean Girls a good laugh. (Princess Mia REALLY loved this application!) Also, sometimes I just want to see how little self-esteem they really have, how obedient they will be for me, and just how pathetic and desperate they really are to be in our videos and be used for OUR profit.
So I ordered this freak to literally unleash pepper spray into its own ugly face while screaming out MY name and BEGGING to be used by me! HAHAHA
And the pathetic idiot actually DID it!! LOL
So I am considering bringing him in and using him...ALL the Mean Girls would be so cruel to a pathetic piece of human garbage like this...just look at those "man boobs"!! Hahaha
Do YOU want be used as nothing more than a "contenting slave" in Our videos? And lay yourself at our feet to let us to do WHATEVER we want to you?? Well go fill out our Slave Application form on the site. Oh, and making a video of spraying yourself in the face with burning chemicals while you BEG for my attention might help! LOL
-Princess Amber
Goddess Reign is hanging out in her bedroom when her female parent’s uggo “boyfriend” wants to have a talk. Goddess Reign HATES this old fcking loser and knows that her mom is just USING it to buy her nice things. The beta male tells Reign that he plans on proposing to her parent and in turn, become her step-father (EWWWWWWWW)
Goodness Reign literally flips out on this old fuck and throws the biggest tantrum to show her distaste for it. During her frenzy she ends up pushing the old man down and locking him up in handcuffs. Goddess Reign thinks that if she can max out its credit cards that it won’t be able to afford to buy a ring for her parent, which means NO PROPOSAL! Hahahaha Goddess Reign makes it PERFECTLY clear that he will NEVER be her step-dad, and humiliates her female parent’s cuck while maxing out its credit cards!
Everything about this loser is DISGUSTING! The way it looks, its sad pathetic life, and even its last name is that of a FUCKING LOSER! And like with its terrible heart health, it probably won’t even be alive by the time anyone gets home. Goddess Reign will do EVERYTHING in her power to keep this “relationship” from progressing Hahahahaha
- Princess Amber
2 greedy Mean Girls have a "Paypig" at their feet with a ball shocker strapped to its beta balls! Princess Amber sits across from them on her throne with a big handful of cash, and a big evil smile! Princess Amber wants Miss Lexi Chase and Princess Skylar to play a little game with this loser to earn cash, they will take turns shocking its nuts, driving it to "fetch more MONEY, pig!!" With each shock they raise the voltage until the paypig is going MAD and scrambling like crazy on all 4s to fetch money and bring it to the Girls ASAP so the shocks will stop!!
It doesn’t help that Princess Amber dangles the cash above the loser, making it BEG for her to drop it so it can bring it back over to the other Mean Girls hahaha! Unfortunately though, that just means the remote gets handed to the OTHER greedy Mean Girl and SHE begins turning up the voltage even MORE and sending her paypig to FETCH for HER now! The girls laugh that this is a GREAT "training exercise" for wannabe paypigs to learn that their ONLY purpose for hot young girls like them is to PAY THEM $$$ for being HOTTT!!!
They also are constantly demanding throughout the clip that the pay pig "OINK" for them constantly as it fetches them as much $$$ as possible! It needs to LEARN that it is NOTHING but a PAYPIG to them! ("OINK, piggy! We said OINK!!!")
Goddess Reign is beating a slave for "content". The slave moves and Princess Mia is LIVID behind the camera because it messed up her shot! Goddess Reign trades her whip to Princess Mia for her camera and says "show him who's boss, Mia!" Goddess Reign then runs cam and Princess Mia "goes to town" on the slave, screaming at it that it DESERVES this and she will beat it as much as she wants.
It will learn to take its beatings in WHATEVER position she puts it in! PMia then humiliates the slave by putting it into different postions, snapping her fingers at it, pointing, tapping her foot, etc. Princess Amber is heard laughing and mocking the slave from behind the camera throughout clip.
Princess Alexandria has one of her slaves locked in chastity and laying beneath her. She wants ANOTHER debt contract from this loser but it claims to not have any more money! Apparently its SO FAR IN DEBT already, and I can’t afford another debt contract.
Princess Alexandra is wearing her new sub-funded laundry set, making her demands as she teases her ass in front of this pathetic beta’s face. Alexandria knows how to get what she wants, and will use her ASS-ETS to get it….. This beta tries to resist Princess Alexandria’s demands, but with an ass this perfect how could it ever say no????
- Princess Amber
I drag in a beta on a leash and prop it up in the middle of the room for all the Pretty Girls to see (AKA Point and laugh at). Since there are TWO new girls visiting the Mean Girl Manor, I want to give them the pleasure of kicking in a beta’s useless balls! (This loser seems to be anticipating a LOT of pain, which is a SMALL price to pay to be in our presence) LOL
I stand next to the slave and hold it by the leash, to hold it in place and try to keep from falling. Princess Alexandria gives a quick demonstration on how to properly destroy a pair a beta balls before letting the other girls “have at it!”. I would normally take place in this activity (cause who doesn’t like to kick a loser in the nuts) but my super hot outfit doesn’t allow me the range of motion to completely DESTROY this loser. (Not to worry though, I get my kicks in another clip). This is the FIRST time that Nyomi and Hannah are kicking someone in the balls, so it’s important that they keep kicking until they feel good about it. To really encourage these girls to kick harder, I decide to make it a little competition! I will sit on my throne and judge each kick to determine a “winner”. The girl who kicks the hardest will get a $100 BONUS! Princess Alexandria will help me judge and hold the slave in position.
Sometimes the girls don’t get a good enough kick and we award them a “do over” & eventually lose count of how many kicks each girl gets lol. Despite a clear winner at the end, all the girls have fun breaking this loser DOWN!
- Princess Amber