This is a VERY unusual clip for Us here at American Mean Girls. Goddess Randi left her pathetic fucking tranny slave (some tranny whore named "Nadia Valentine"?) here to serve anyone that stopped by the Manor. So we decided to take full advantage and ABUSE it! I mean, OMFG its a fucking TRANNY for fucks sake! LOL So we (princess Jennifer and Princess PERFECTION) take turns seeing how MEAN we can be to it. (It is an "it" right? I mean, it's not a man and it's not a REAL woman, so...) Anyway, we write on its face in PERMANENT marker, shoot whip cream in its face using the whip cream can like its our cock (GREAT idea Princess Perfection! LOL!) and even throw PIES right in its face while we LAUGH at it and tell it how PATHETIC it is and what a WHORE "she" is! Sooo entertaining... :)
"A slave is lying in front of the front door at Mean Girl Manor- for all the girls to wipe their feet on when they come in. Beautiful Princess Jennifer is about to leave but decides to make SURE the slave doesn't move while she is gone! So she uses LOTS of duct tape to bind his wrists and ankles so he can't move. She also gags him so he cannot complain about what she is doing to him. Then she decides to humiliate him by putting makeup on his and laughing at him. (Just for fun and her own entertainment!) And then she leaves him there all night without giving it a second thought!"
Poor Bobby. His daddy married the meanest step-mommie EVER. And I completely control his fatherr. So now his step-mommie AND his stepsister get to do WHATEVER we want to him! And there is NOTHING he can do about it! I am introducing him to his step-sis, who he has to refer to as "Goddess Randi"! Haha. She explains to him all the things she plans on USING him for...lets just say he will be dong ALL of her chores from now on... And then we just decide to ABUSE him and humiliate him beyond belief- so he will NEVER forget his place in this new "family" of his!
He has to bow down and lick the SHOES of his new step-sister. He has to KISS AND WORSHIP HER FEET. We both laugh and mock him because he has no choice. THEN we decide to SPIT RIGHT IN HIS FACE! We both take turns- his sisterr even FARTS in his face to REALLY drive home how insignificant he is! LOL!
OMG this young, pathetic little loser's new family life is going to be a living HELL. LOL!
This was hilarious. After she basically just degraded and used the slave for HER OWN COMPLETE PLEASURE (see the previous video "It's Good To Be The Queen") my lovely - and cruel - daughter Randi decided to tease and humiliate the slave even further. She asks it if it "wants to be let out of its chastity so it can fuck". Of course it's like desperate and starts BEGGING. LOL. And We had a good laugh at how long she had left it in chastity this time.
Once we allow its chastity to come off we make it kneel before us and masturbate while we laugh at it. (I mean, seriously, HOW pathetic is this??) Then eventually Randi breaks it to the slave that all it is going to be "fucking" is a new "fleshlight" FAKE PUSSY device that she bought it! LOL!!! How degrading! So we both laugh in its face some more while we control it's "humping" with "redlight/greenlight" commands. Poor thing is like sooo desperate. LOL!
Eventually Randi gives it a "cum-countdown" and if it doesn't cum by the time she's done, it doesn't get to cum at all! *(SPOILER ALERT: She counts SO fast that the slave doesn't even get a CHANCE to cum, so NO ORGASM FOR IT! LOL! And we take away it's "new toy" and it gets locked right back up in chastity!! HAHAHA!!! And who knows how long it will be THIS time... :)
For Our entertainment, I make My fucking slave go put on a DOGG mask and when I ring My "service" bell, it comes crawling in on all fours like a REAL DOGG and Me n My BF laugh our ASSES off! LOL! I make it BARK for Us! HAHAHA!!!
And I explain to My boyfriend how I can make it literally act like a REAL dogg for DAYS if I want to. With a simple command and a snap of My fingers. (It is THAT obedient to me.) Then we talk for awhile about how it can be used as a real "pet" and how much better owning a HUMAN pet would be then owning a real one. Like, it would totally understand ALL of Our commands because it speaks english. We can beat it as much as We want if its bad or does something wrong and it wouldn't be like We were "being cruel to animalls". We wouldn't have to feel bad if We left to go on a trip for a few days and accidentally left it locked up and starving in a cage while We were gone having fun because it's just a SLAVE. I even explain to My BF that I made this idiot sign over its will to ME so if We extended our trip a few weeks (why not? LOL!) and came back to find the slave deadd in its cage- We could actually celebrate! LOL! Cuz we'd be getting a bunch of $$$! :) (I even talk about how we could take it on walks in the park and would even have to clean up after it because I could make it eat its own ! lol!)
-Goddess Randi
I am sitting on my throne enjoying My role as the Queen of My castle- and using My sissy slut as a human footstool. I decide that I want it to serve a more functional purpose- to ENTERTAIN Me! And I recently had a dance pole installed in My home for ME to practice on when I feature dance at clubs across the country, so I decided that it (the sissy slut) could entertain Me by dancing FOR ME on the pole! LOL!
So in Part 1 I stick him up on the pole and order him to "DANCE FOR ME, BITCH!" HAHAHA!!!!! And I even whip him throughout his pathetic attempt to "dance" in order to "encourage" him to do better! I am laughing throughout its "performance" because it is DEFINITELY not erotic! It is HILARIOUS! I guess I WAS a way. LOL.
The way this is filmed, it is sort of like YOU (the viewer) are the one dancing up there...except this sissy faggot loser is the one being whipped instead of :) Who else wants to entertain Me??? :)
In PART 2 I decide that there is no WAY he is going to earn Me enough $$$ by dancing on a pole! I tell him to his face that he is repulsive and PATHETIC! So instead, I grab its leash, yank it off the stage, and reposition it against the wall- and explain to it that it will make Me $$$ by being BEATEN for Me!!