Princess Paris (blonde) and Ms. Brandi (brunette) are two new sorority "mean girls" that staying in a hotel and decide to take advantage of their hotel's motto "The guest is always right". They call up the front desk and demand that they want someone from the staff to come to their room and be their personal bartender.
When the staffperson sent to serve them as their bartender accidentally makes their drinks wrong, they decide to humiliate the FUCK out of him- and he HAS to do whatever they say to make them HAPPY because they are GUESTS and therefore they are ALWAYS right! They even threaten to call the manager if he doesn't do WHATEVER they say!
They TOTALLY degrade him- they make him lick the DIRT off the soles of their shoes AND shine their shoes with his tongue- while they mock him because they are going to wear these shoes on dates with two hot guys later that evening.
***(GREAT verbal humiliation!! They totally destroy this loser's ego. And the full clip is priced at a discount compared to parts 1 & 2 separately.)***
*(btw, since the last "cheerleading" video, the WHOLE SQUAD is now using the cheer-coach's personal assistants NUTS to practice their kicks and get them higher.)*
In this clip the loser has the NERVE to approach the HOTTEST cheerleader on the squad after the game and ask her for a "kiss". She is APPALLED! She doesn't even recognize him at first- even though she (and all the girls on the squad now) kick him in the balls over & over as "practice" before each game! He obviously means NOTHING to her. She even explains to him that she is the HOTTEST cheerleader on the HOTTEST cheerleading squad EVER- and he is a NOBODY. She shouldn't even be TALKING to him! Let alone KISS him!
But then she has an idea- if he PAYS her, she will let him kiss her...on the FOOT. She laughs at him when he actually DOES it! He PAYS her every dollar he has in his pocket just to kiss her sweaty FEET after they have been in her cowboy boots ALL DAY while she cheered the team on to victory. PATHETIC, but appropriate, in her opinion.
She goes on to arrogantly DEMAND a footmassage AND a tongue-bath for her feet while she relaxes and eventually even takes a short nap! When she wakes up she literally KICKS the losers FACE away from her and haughtily comments off-handedly that he will be doing this for her EVERY Sunday after the game (AND paying for it!) and she may even decide to lend him out to the other girls on the squad! It is obvious that she KNOWS how hot she is, and that losers are meant to be USED by girls like her!
The slave is dragged outside and positioned kneeling in front of the Goddess. It is blindfolded so She can have Her way with him. She has 3-5 bowls of liquids in front of her at her feet. As she is taking off her boots to reveal her sweaty feet, she explains that the slave is to kneel before her and masturbate for her entertainment.
Then she begins dipping her feet into the bowls one at a time and shoving them into the slaves mouth and making him guess what she dipped her feet in! If he gets it right, he gets more. If he gets it wrong he gets kicked in the balls! (And sometimes he gets kicked in the balls anyway!) :)
Then she keeps kicking him and trying to make him cum! The point is VERY sloppy feet & VERY humiliating for the slave!
Queen Kasey is a SUPER-mean step-mommy. She has married my dad for his money and now she treats me like sh*t. She thinks i am just an "expense" that keeps more money from going to Her.
She comes in and finds me playing video games, and demands that i stop immediately and give her a foot massage like i am her slave! When i try to refuse, she says she has video evidence of me spying on her while she is in the shower that she will show my dad and i will be kicked out of the house and disinherited! (and i know it is true that i have been spying on her - her body is incredible! - and my dad WILL do anything she says...he will listen to her over me anyday...) So i have no choice.
Queen Kasey has gone to the doctor about her excessively sweaty feet. (While her feet ARE perfect and beautiful- they DO sweat aLOT!) The doctor tells her that there IS one cure for excessive foot sweat that is better than anything he could ever prescribe her- HUMAN SALIVA! But he laughs it off because obviously she couldn't get her feet licked for an hour or more a day...who would do that?? (Little does he know...)
Queen Kasey knows EXACTLY how to make this happen! She simply orders a foot-licking slave up off the internet! (Dominant women can get anything they want these days!) When it arrives, she takes off her sweaty boots and puts this "thing" straight to WORK!
Foot-slaves NEED feet. It is what keeps them alive, functioning properly, obedient, subservient, and docile toward their Female Owners and Masters. Goddess knows this. So She sends Her Blonde Bimbo slave girl out to where the slaves are kept caged and shackled (until they are needed to be used) to take care of the slaves' NEED for FEET.
The Blonde Bimbo is a surrogate to the slaves for Goddess's feet, and they know this and have accepted it. They actually eagerly look forward to her feedings..and the Bimbo enjoys seeing them humbly BEG for HER feet...
She drags them out of their cages (She ranks far above these males, as a FEMALE slave...) and proceeds to literally shove her perfect feet down their throats until their hunger for FEMALE FEET has been satiated...and then they are unceremoniously thrown back into their cages...(until they are needed or it is time for their next "foot-feeding"!)
This is Part 2 of ME taking advantage of a patient that comes to Me for hipno-therapy to help him with his weird foot fetish. Did I help him?? HELL NO! LOL!!! I made it WORSE! HAHAHA!!! (go see Part 1 if you haven't already, slave!) The only thing I have changed for him is that now instead of obsessing over ALL feet, he now only obsesses over MY feet! So I can take full advantage! (God, I hope I get more foot-fetish would be so easy to turn them all into complete and utter SLAVES for Me!)
In Part 2 I bring in My secretary so SHE can see how much power I have over this patient and what a fool I can make him into just for My FEET. (I like showing I snap My fingers at him when she brings him into My office and he literally DROPS to his hands and knees right in front of Me like he had just been shot in the legs! We laugh our asses off. My secretary recognizes him because he was in the office early this morning (under My trance still) cleaning our office like a good little bitch. I explain to her that he will be doing this from now on so we can get rid of our cleaning crew that we actually had to PAY. LOL. Because this loser will do it for FREE! HAHAHA!!! I even tell My secretary how I had him clean My HOUSE for Me too! (And My house is But his bitch-ass will do ANYTHING now just to be allowed to kiss MY feet...we decide that he should be made to wear a janitors uniform too while he does it! HAHAHA...this corporate CEO is going to be our new JANITOR and work for us for FREE!
My secretary is shocked to find out that I am making this loser pay $5000 PER SESSION just to see Me! And I have decided that he needs to see Me twice a week! LOL! I will have Med School paid off in no time! :)
I decide to have some fun by showing off the power I have over him in front of My secretary by literally slapping him across the face with My stockinged foot. I mean, how disrespectful is that? I make him take My work pumps off with his TEETH and then slap him right across the face with My foot over & over as he kneels their before Me like a love-sick puppiedog! Then I make him give us BOTH a footmassage at the same time!
I wonder what I can make him do next...??? :)
I have to say there is something SO gross about eating someone else's deadd skin- ESPECIALLY if it is off their FEET. LOL. But at the same time, from MY perspective there is also something truly worshipful about it! (And MY perspective is all that matters anyway!) Watching someone willingly and GRATEFULLY eat the deadd skin scraped off My feet...BEG for it, even...HAHAHA!!! I LOVE IT! Listening to slaves BEG just for My discarded WAYSTE to CONSUME to show their DEVOTION to their Goddess
In this one My main slave that pays Me the most $$$ every month gets to lick the skin-scrapings off of My gorgeous, PERFECT feet after I use this new callous-remover thing another slave sent Me. ISN'T HE A LUCKY SLAVE?? DON'T YOU WISH THIS WAS YOU???
This is some old, lost footage of Princess Bridgette using a slave to give her a foot bath to her perfect feet.