This poor slave has just finished being bitch-slapped and caned for Us. And he obviously is not a"pain slut" haha. But We like that even better- that he took it for US. Not because HE liked it! It was for OUR pleasure and sadistic entertainment! So now he gets his reward....our FEET! This is done (obviously) to train our weaker slaves to take more and more pain for they subconsciously learn that pain will eventually = pleasure. They just need to "keep taking it" for Us. :)
He REALLY enjoyed this. You could tell he was sooo glad he came to Our tryout LOL.
My friend Robyn can't believe that I own slaves now. And get PAID to be WORSHIPPED and walk all over these losers. So I invited her over to Mean Girl Manor to show her. She is just like "OMG" the whole time! LOL! And I make a loser crawl out of its cage and PAY my friend to lick the DIRT off the soles of her shoes. She can't believe it and laughs her ass off at him. And I make sure he gets the bottoms of her shoes REEALLY clean too. We laugh about how I put him on a street corner to beg for that money- and now he is just handing it over to her just to lick the dort off the BOTTOM OF HER SHOES. She can't believe we can just laugh in his face and tell him he's pathetic- and he STILL pays her and licks the bottoms of her shoes!
Then we get really mean and "taboo". lol. We talk about taking the slave for a walk - naked and on a leash on all fours like a DAWGG - and taking my friends real-life dawgg along with us...and her dawgg is reeeaally HORNY...LOL! We tell the slave that it has to let her dawgg do WHATEVER it wants to him! LOL! And we are going to FILM it for YOUTUBE!
-Goddess Rodea
Come here slave... I got some pie for you! You want to eat? Well you get to eat whipped cream pie from my bare feet! It's got chocolate pudding in it too. Are you getting stuffed...? Well, keep eating, after all this is your one chance to eat directly underfoot. How do you like the pie in the face treatment, slave?
-Empress Jennifer
~~Truly one of our finest moments. If you are a humiliation loser or a shoe licker you will cum in your pants imagining that this is you!
This loser sits there as the hottest mean girls on the planet smoke cigarettes and make him lick their boots. He licks the bottom of our dirty boots and gets them shoved deep in his pathetic mouth.
But wait...there's more! We have an old pair of black heels that need cleaning and we duck tape them to his face so he can enjoy the smell all day too! I made extra sure I duct taped them good and we especially tried to get as much tape in his hair as possible, haha.
-Goddess Suvana
~~Goddess is sitting on her throne when one of the losers that serves her approaches her, begging to worship her. She says "Did you get what I ORDERED you to get me??" The idiot grovels and says "Yes, beautiful Goddess!"- and presents her with a fur coat and a brand new pair of $1000 Louboutins. She casually dismisses the gifts like nothing (after trying them on and admiring her own beauty in the mirror, of course) She positions herself back on the throne and allows the idiot the PRIVILEGE of groveling at her perfect feet and worshipping her as the Goddess that she is.
Eventually she simply shoves the loser's face away with her foot and orders him to put her new louboutins back on her feet and prostrate itself on the floor before her throne. She then gets up, casually steps down onto the idiot's body in her needle-thin stilettos (that HE paid for!) like it is nothing to her...THEN she proceeds to casually make a phonecall to her BOYFRIEND to make dinner plans with him- WHILE she is still standing on the loser beneath her! She even laughs to her boyfriend about the hot new shoes and coat that she is going to wear for him tonight that "some idiot bought for her today". She even assures her BF out loud that the "idiot" means "absolutely nothing" to her and that she is "just using him", telling her BF "I only love YOU, baby"- as her heels are mercilessly sinking into the emotionally destroyed loser beneath her... Eventually she hangs up and informs the idiot that if he wants to stay in her good graces and continue to be allowed to worship her in the future, he will be waiting outside her and her BF's favorite restaurant tonight, awaiting her text to come running in and pay their tab- and he better not complain about the bill! It is her BF's birthday today and they are having steak, lobster, and champagne...
Princess Bella and I found a new way to moisturize our feet! We are going to dip our feet into whipped cream and chocolate pudding. The slave is just going to have to lick it all off, haha! We intend this to be as humiliating as possible, Haha!
- Princess Cindi
(Custom Clip)
A student is f0rcedd to wear a gimp mask as an EXTRA humiliating "dunce cap" by the meanest teacher in school- Miss Nina. A regular dunce cap isn't humiliating enough for this loser because he actually DARED to try to stand up to her! Miss Nina actually expects and demands that all male students to line up and literally bow down and KISS HER FEET upon her entering the classroom- every day! As a sign of obedience and worship of her beauty. And this idiot DARED to defy her and complain to the principal!! (NOTE: There is a camera attached to the "dunce cap" and the cam footage captured by it - giving you a first-person view as if YOU were the "dunce" being abused by Miss Nina in the video - will be available on Our other store, The Popular Girlz)
So Miss Nina is making an example of this lone male student that still tries to defy her dominance over every male student in school- and she decides to do it in front of the whole class. And he HAS to do it- or he will be flunked in her class and lose his scholarship to college. And this idiot has learned that hard way that Miss Nina even has the principal wrapped around her little finger using her undeniable beauty- so he has nowhere to go. He HAS to let Miss Nina abuse him as much as she wants. He HAS to do whatever she says- even in front of his classmates who can be heard laughing at him in the background.
She makes him lick her shoes and kiss stocking feet while the class laughs hysterically at him. She makes him lick her shoes while she verbally humiliated him- totally getting off on her power over this ONE student who actually DARED to try to stand up to her! She is teaching him a real lesson now- in humility. Then she shoves her stocking feet in his mouth and makes him GAG on her used stockings. Lots of foot slapping in the face. Eventually her BARE feet come out of her stockings and shoes and her sweaty feet are shoved into his open mouth...
We are relaxing in the backyard of Mean Girl Manor when the slaves that are serving Us start complaining about some BS that they haven't eaten in "a few days". LOL. They aren't sure because we have just been working them to de4th and they lose track of the days...haha. So we decide to teach them a lesson about begging for food around here- and that slaves get fed WHENEVER WE FEEL LIKE IT. If that is a week or two between feedings, then so be it! They are slaves and they will eat WHATEVER we want, WHENEVER we want!
So we march them over to a dirt patch and tell them that if they want to eat- they can eat DIRT. Because that is all they are WORTHY of- and they better be GRATEFUL even for that! We make sure to put our feet on the back of their heads and really drive the point home by shoving their ugly faces down into the dirt where they belong...
It is SO much fun abusing slaves and putting them in their place! :)
I love HUMILIATING my slaves and reminding them of their place in this life. While I am out dating REAL men, these losers grovel at my FEET and do whatever I say- no matter how degrading.
I just came home from a lunch date with another hot guy and these two LOSERS are by the front door right where I left them- on their hands n knees with their pathetic, ugly faces buried in my shoes. LOL And I TOLD them that I was leaving for a date with a hot guy like HOURS ago- and they STILL obeyed me all that time. SO pathetic...
But I decide that's not enough. I am only home to change shoes before my next date- and I decide to make these losers BEG to lick the DIRT off the soles of my shoes and SHINE the new shoes with their TONGUES before I go out on my next date! And I make sure to rub their faces in it too while they are doing it LOL. It doesn't matter...they will do ANYTHING I say no matter how badly I treat them or how much I drive it into their little brains that they will never have me and they are LUCKY I even use them to lick the dirt off the bottom of my shoes!...haha.
-Empress Jennifer
Get a good close up of my feet as I walk all around Mean Girl Manor. I'm not worried about my feet getting dirty because I have a slave I use as a human door mat. LOL! This could be YOU! LOL! As you can see I take the time to get extra crud on my feet because I am so thoughtful. I want my slaves to eat as much dirt and grime as possible so that I am happy. And when I am happy...slaves are happy!
-Empress Jennifer