Princess Bella catches her brother smoking weed so her and her friend Goddess Rodea stage an “intervention” to help him learn to “just say no” to druggs! They order him to strip him down and then make him kneel in front of his step sister with his legs spread- and her hot friend Rodea is sitting directly behind him. It is sooo embarrassing but the worst is yet to come. They take turns slapping his balls over and over with their feet- from the front AND the back, over and over. (Laughing at him the whole time!) Each kick is to remind him that he is sperm cells by smoking weed. (Just like the kicks are his sperm cells!) Both girls laugh at him and remind him that he HAS to let do whatever they say or Bella will tell their parents on him! so he kneels their and takes their foot-slaps to his balls and endures their mocking laughter…
Eventually they break him and move on to step two- he has so suck on and basically “smoke” their feet like a “blunt” LOL! This is basically just to humiliate him- and entertain the girls. They like the feeling of power as they casually shove their feet into his warm, wet mouth. He looks so dumb and they laugh at him for letting them do it- but they remind him that he has no choice.
Categories: Female Domination, Taboo, Ball Busting, Kicking, Foot Worship, Humiliation, CFNM
Princess Cindi and I are just giddy about our idea to have a slave-pony racing contest. We have our incredible bodies in these sexy riding outfits to torment - and motivate! - the slaves, and are having so much fun that we plan on making a new sport out of this at Mean Girl Manor! To motivate the slaves even FURTHER, we tell them that the losing slave will be locked up outside in its cage without food or water for 3 days. Haha. That seemed to get these slaves highly motivated to actually race around the Manor grounds as fast as possible- as if their lives depended on it! (Because it just might! Haha!) Their poor knees got a little tore up while scurrying around the yard, but we didn't care. We were laughing too hard and smacking their asses with our riding crops. We REALLY don't care about their stupid slave-knees. I guess this is a good example of slaves really embracing the fact that they are just an1ma1s to us... actually BELOW an1ma1s, really! We don't even care about their lives. All we care about is how fast we are going and how much FUN we are having!!! :)
Let us know if you like this clip (by BUYING it, of course- duh!) and maybe we will film more of our future pony races at The Manor! It was pretty fun for us...
-Princess Bella
Sometimes its just fun to MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, and VERBALLY torment losers. Just because we are so hot and we know we can say or do anything we want- and a loser like this will LET us. (He BETTER! Coz we wont even talk to him at ALL if he doesn't! LOL!)
So me n Cindi just toally rip him to shreds. And he kneels before us at Our feet - where he BELONGS - and takes it like the little bitch he is. He knows he is LUCKY just to be allowed in out presence! No matter HOW bad we verbally and emotionally abuse him...haha.
Would YOU let us talk down to you and insult you to your face like this? Of COURSE you would! LOL you know we can treat you like total sh*tt and you would just kneel there and THANK us for allowing you in our presence- just like this loser did!
-Empress Jennifer
We let the horny slave-dawgg out of his cage for a good old nut slappin' good time. Princess Cindi and I truly love laughing sadistically at this new slave. He's really young and kinda cute, so it makes t0rtur1ng him even more entertaining for us. We know he just came over to Mean Girl Manor to worship our feet but we ended up smacking his balls like a bazillion times anyway. I think the riding crops were more painful at first but when we switched to our bare hands, the pain was more "intimate"- so he could take it. Eventually we had to smack his dick because his balls were so sore he couldn't take it! LOL! With us, just because you "can't take anymore" doesn't mean we will stop...we will just find a new way to abuse you! LOL
- Princess Bella and Princess Cindi
Awww…look, you brought some lunch! Sure, I will let you have lunch when you come to work for me, but let me show you how I will serve it! Watch me as you sit there on your knees- I am going to chew this food and spit it into the dirt where YOU will lick it up. I realize you might even actually like this (the fact that it is mixed with MY Goddess saliva!) so I am going to grind in a little something extra- DIRT! Then you will spend the rest of your lunch break getting food spit directly into your face and having my boots ground into your face. I know you love licking boots but I will sometimes be grinding my boots into your face extra HARD to make sure you don’t!
-Goddess Raven Bay
I have a new toy for this slave. It's perfect for naughty losers like him that like to admire my body without my permission. I make him sit there and look at me while I explain what he is about to wear for me. It's a spiked chastity device! I make him put it on his cock and then start to tease him. He seems sooo scared of it... Haha. I laugh at him that if he gets hard. HE will basically be the one driving those spike right into his own cock! I just find that funny. And I fully intend to get him hard - whether he wants to or not - and I hope he cries and SCREEEAAAMS, haha.
I know how to get him hard too...I make him look at me and play with himself while I am going to sit his your face and MAKE him "play" with it! "That's right, play with the tip of your cock and make it swell up into those spikes for me! Then maybe I will give you some air!" Or maybe I will keep face sitting on him so I don't have to hear him cry that the spikes are digging in! -Goddess Jass
So as its final reward for coming to Our slave tryout, we allow this loser to jerk off. Only catch? He has to do it ON HIS KNEES, while being DEGRADED by US as we stand over him- and he has to jerk his worthless "slave-seed" into a cup on the floor LOL. And he just keeps going and going and going.....he is like the energizer bunny! Haha.
In fact, you know what? For all you slaves that download this clip- you are NOT allowed to cum while watching this clip until the slave in the clip cums!! UNDERSTAND???
FEATURING: Empress Jennifer, Princess Bella
You are breaking up with me - and this video is how you're telling me it's over. By sending me a tape of you sucking someone else's cock. And throughout the BJ you tell me directly to my face that your new guy is WAY better than me and that I'll never have you again. You are super sloppy on the BJ because you know I liked that- even though you would never do it for me.
Then you suck him off a little more even after he gives you a huge facial, and talk a more directly to me about how you think its funny because that you know you are totally crushing me by doing this
-STARRING: Ash Hollywood
*Paid Custom Clip*
Princess Cindi has turned one of her many “admirers” from school literally into a slave for her. She thinks he is pathetic and would never date him, but she knows he will literally do anything for her- so now she just keeps him as her personal homework slave so she never has to do any work again. She keeps him locked away in a cupboard 24/7 so her mom doesn’t even knows he is there. (His parents think he just ran away from home.) Cindi pulls her slave out of its cupboard by his leash. She treats him like he is less than human now. He is truly like a possession to her now. He was in there working on one of Cindi's homework papers.
Cindi is PISSED because she just got a text from her boyfriend and the idiot homework slave got her boyfriend a "B" on one of the papers that she made her slave write for him! The slave gets verbally berated by Cindi. And he has a ball-shocker permanently attached to his balls now to help “motivate” him to do her homework for Cindi, all her friends, her boyfriend, or even people that pay HER to make her homework slave do THEIR papers for them! (It is getting quite lucrative for Cindi- which is why she attached the ball-shocker to make him work harder for her.) She shocks the sh11tt out of the slave for getting her boyfriend a “B”! (How can her and her BF get into an Ivy League school together if their slave isn’t writing all “A” papers for them!!)
Cindi explains to the slave that his life is over. THIS is his life now! Living in her cupboard, doing her homework and writing her papers! And She will be using him throughout college too. AND she wants BOTH her AND her BF to get PHDs using him- without doing ANY of the work! They will just party the whole time. To make sure he “gets it”, she makes him grovel at her feet and shower them with kisses, expressing that she is his SUPERIOR and OWNER and she can use him for WHATEVER SHE WANTS. He is lucky to even be around her and especially to actually LIVE with her like this!
Cindi even thinks it might be funny to figure out a way to connect the idiot’s ballshocker to the internet so it could by controlled by her and her man via their smartphones! Then they could shock it from wherever they might be…even while they relax on the beach! The shocks are getting higher and higher- approaching “15” now because Cindi wants to make sure this loser completely fears her- so Cindi takes her shoes off and shoves her gorgeous, sweaty feet DEEP into her slave’s throat to muffle his screams because his balls are being fried now…and she doesn't want her momm to hear!
Eventually, once Cindi feels this pathetic piece of sh11tt has learned its place in life and will get her and her BF all “A”s from now on- she just casually Cindi throws him back "into his hole" and tells him to "get back to work!" Then she goes off to have a romantic date with her stud boyfriend while the loser works!
”O-M-G…like, WTF did you DO to this…BOY, Raven??”
Raven and Breanna are SUPER hot college girls who only date big, stud college jocks. Raven comes walking into school one day with some “high school boy” literally on a LEASH! And he is CRAWLING behind her like a little puppee-dawgg! Breanna can’t believe it. Raven explains to her how this “weak, pathetic little high school dork” is SOOO completely obsessed with her that he will literally do ANYTHING for her! So she is putting him to the test to see JUST how pathetic he will be and how much she can abuse him!
Raven goes on to explain to Breanna how she makes this little high school boy do all her homework for her and he has to give Raven ALL of his allowance and lunch money he gets from his parents, and she has just been abusing the SH*TT out of him! BUT HE JUST KEEPS TAKING IT! It is like no matter WHAT raven does to him, he is SO obsessed, he will do it!
So Breanna TOTALLY wants to try it out! They both start smacking him right across the face, mocking him, SPITTING on him, and laughing in his face for being so SCRAWNY and WEAK. Then they test him further by making him eat food off the FLOOR that they have STEPPED on, and even kissing and licking their FEET- ewww…gross! but he does EVERYTHING!
Pretty soon Breanna is asking Raven how she got this one and commenting that SHE wants to get her OWN “high school loser” to use to do her homework and take all his money!