After I spent Part 1 of the clip beating the FUCK out of it with the CANE, I then spend the second part beating it even WORSE with the leather belt- in ADDITION to the cane! (And I beat it HARD to make sure My BF is REALLY turned on- and to show off a little..) ;) Then at the end to REALLY put on a show for My boyfriend I use the cane AND the belt AT THE SAME TIME and beat the cuck as hard as I possibly can with both hands!! Then after BEATING it, I command it to BOW ITS UGLY FACE BACK DOWN into My shoes and I get back into bed to FUCK My boyfriend again- now that We are BOTH so turned on by My slave's SUFFERING!!
And I REALLY beat him- BAD too. LOL. I do not have safe words for My slaves and I beat them however I WANT. I had some so-called "real Domme" tell me one time that I was doing something wrong or "dangerous" to My slave- and I had to tell her I dont give a FUCK. It's a SLAVE. This isn't make-believe. I OWN this motherfucker. It is My PROPERTY, and I will do whatever the FUCK I want to it!! I don't care how bad I "hurt" it. The only thing that keeps it alive is the fact that it needs to keep living so that it can continue to serve ME- that is all I care about!
-Goddess Randi
After a loong night of FUCKING My BOYFRIEND, We wake up and I call for Our slave because We feel like having champagne served to Us in bed. I ring My service bell and the fucking slave's head pops up next to the bed! Apparently last night I commanded it to bow its ugly fucking face down into My pumps I had been wearing all night on Our date (that IT paid for! LOL!) and commanded it to inhale the scent of MY feet from inside My shoes while it had to listen to Us FUCKING in the bed right above it! LOL! I don't even remember it, cuz I was ***k but this loser obeys Me even when I'm ***k and don't know what I'm talking about ...LOL! Now THAT'S a good SLAVE! :) The fucking obedient freak spent ALL night literally BOWING DOWN TO US, with its face buried in My shoes while We fucked & slept in a warm, comfortable bed and completely forgot about it down there! HAHAHA!!!! So while We are sipping Our champagne, We decide We want to "go another round" in bed together...and as "foreplay" to get us turned on to fuck some more, My boyfriend says he wants to watch Me beat the FUCK out of My cuck-slave! LOL! He is actually finding out that this stuff turns Him on as much as it does ME! :) (I LOOOVE Him sooo much!!!)
So that is like NOOO problem! I explain to him that is what cucks and slaves are FOR! So I send My slave off to go fetch some of the stuff I like to beat it with. And it comes CRAWLING back to Our bed with a thick leather belt and a cane in its TEETH for Me to use on it. Me n My BF both just LAUGH. It's SO funny to Us that this loser will like actually willingly sacrifice its LIFE for OUR entertainment and suffer ANY amount of pain and humiliation just to turn US on so We can fuck some more... IT gets pain - WE get pleasure...PERFECT!
I spend this "Part 1" of the clip beating the FUCK out of it with the CANE....
-Goddess Randi
This is the second part of Me n My BF humiliating Our slave. I continue to feed him Our leftovers (from the expensive meal that HE paid for! LOL!) off the fucking ASHPHALT PAVEMENT! :)
And just when you think it can't get ANY more humiliating for the cuck...I decide to add something to make it EXTRA humiliating for him! My BF couldn't believe I could make this loser do this for Our entertainment...LOL. -Goddess Randi
Valentines Day...gawd, that must be SUCH a lonely depressing holiday for SLAVES. LOL. Not to mention CUCKED slaves! One of Mine (My cuck-slaves) comes crawling in to pathetically BEG right in front of My boyfriend one last time for Me to show him ANY love or affection whatsoever on Valentines Day...(this is after I informed it that it would be taking Me n My BF out to dinner later and PAYING for Our date- LOL!)
What do I do? I LAUGH RIGHT IN ITS FUCKING FACE!!! LOL!!! Of course, I tease it a little before that just to play with its emotions, but...I do end up laughing in its face.
Then to humiliate the loser even MORE, I drop it's pathetic heart-shaped chocolate (which was all it could afford since it was saving every penny to pay for Our date! LOL!) on the floor and STEP on it...grinding it into the floor while Me n My boyfriend laugh at it. I thought this was SO appropriate- stepping on the slave's "heart" and crushing it
Then I make him LICK IT OFF THE SOLES OF MY SHOES while Me n My BF make out! :) SOOO hot for Me to HUMILIATE My slave while locking lips with My Lover at the same time! :) The best of both worlds! (It is SO good to be a GODDESS!) :)
Then We decide to lock him up in his cage like the dogg he is until We are ready to use him as a driver (and a wallet!) for Our date later on that evening... :)
-Goddess Randi
The first few minutes of this clip are Me n My BF are having a discussion about My slaves now that We are home and relaxing and you losers get to listen to Us laugh about using slaves and how pathetic they are. (Especially the ones that serve me in real life! LOL!)
Then My BF asks Me if this is totally real and if these slaves seriously mean "nothing" to Me- so I decide to call over the slave We left by the front door and SHOW My BF how LITTLE these THINGS mean to Me...
I start by literally grabbing the loser by the hair and staring directly into its eyes and telling it flat-out that it means absolutely NOTHING to Me! I mock it and laugh right in its face in front of My BF. (He can't believe that it will continue to "serve" Me like a slave after I flat-out TELL it that it literally means NOTHING to Me.) LOL! Then I make this freak literally LICK the dirt off the bottom of My shoes- WHILE I MAKE OUT WITH MY BF! LOL!!! There is NOTHING this loser won't do for Me & My feet. :)
I spit in its face, slap it across its face as hard as I can, KICK it in the face, and even STOMP on its face in My stilettos! LOL! (That's right- I don't even bother to take My STILETTOS off before stomping down on its face! My BF can't believe
And guess what? This fucking loser TAKES it ALL- and will continue to serve Me...FOREVER! NO MATTER WHAT I do to it! LOL! I have to admit, it IS kind of nice to have slaves in your life that you can literally walk all over, treat however you want, and say anything to (no matter how mean & truthful it is lol) - and they still WORSHIP YOU as a GOD no matter what, without question. ***(Btw, this is some of the meanest verbal and emotional abuse you can imagine - and it is ALL totally REAL. So you NEED to see this clip if you're into that sort of thing!)***
"I can't fucking stand your ugly face. The only thing you are good for is SERVING Us!"
So I told My boyfriend about Me owning real-life slaves n stuff, and he thought it sounded pretty cool, but he couldn't really believe it until he saw it for himself. I also basically gave My slave an ultimatum ahead of time that it would be serving Me AND My new BF from now on- or ELSE! (or else I would get rid of it and it would never even SEE MY perfect feet again! LOL!)
So I decided to set this up for the "big moment" of introducing them to each other at My Mom's house. She was gone, but I had My main slave kneeling by the door (a simple text from me on the way there accomplished and another one filming when We walked through the door.
My BF was like SO shocked when he saw this loser literally KNEELING inside the door "awaiting Our arrival" and literally BOWING DOWN to Us like the Royalty that We are when We walked through the door! :)
So I like literally plant My foot on its back (the slave) and use it as a footrest while I explain how REAL this sh*t is to My BF. I explain how this loser I'm resting My foot on will literally do ANYTHING just for My fucking FEET! LOL!
But then My BF decides that he's not real sure he wants this "thing" even touching My feet (Uh oh...wasn't really planning on that being an issue!) So I decide to simply throw it in My slave's face and count on him being SO pathetic that he will serve Me AND My BF- just for the PRIVILEGE of serving Us! You should see the look on this loser's face when the harsh reality hits him- that he will NOT be worshipping My feet anymore just because My BF doesn't want him to. He looks like he wants to totally killl himself! LOL! (It's funny, seeing a slave's ego and self-respect being completely crushed right before My eyes is even more satisfying as seeing it scream in physical pain...)
But I decided to have SOME mercy...Me n My BF discuss it right in front of the slave - like it isn't even there - and decide that it would still be allowed to smell, kiss, and lick the INSIDES of My shoes right after I take them off- and THAT will be as close as it gets to My feet from now on! Kissing the still-warm insides of MY shoes...the leather part that had JUST been TOUCHING MY perfect feet! You should see how the pathetic fucking loser like practically REJOICES at this decision from its new OWNERS! Me n My BF totally laugh our asses off at this, and for some more laughs at this loser's expense (and to show My BF how pathetic it REALLY is, I pop My pumps off that I've been wearing all day and toss them on the floor to the slave. It pounces on My shoes like a dogg getting bone! LOL! So Me n My BF walk off and let that loser lap at the inside of My shoes like the freak that it
***You NEED to buy this clip to see Me n My BF totally destroy this slave's world by telling it that it is going to be serving US as a COUPLE from now on! The slave is sooo totally not "bi" or anything and TOTALLY hates this idea of being Our "cuck"! But it will seriously dye if I take My feet away from it, so...too fucking bad! It now serves US as a COUPLE! LOL!!!***