This is one of the best videos we have ever shot- and it is totally REAL. 


This slave is owned in real life by Carmela, and she has it stored in a cage down in the garage in the summer heat.  (Seriously, it must be like 110 degrees in there!)  She wants to torture it (just because she seriously LOVES torturing her slaves) but its too hot to go out there!  So I have a surprise for her...


I have our most powerful ballshocker LOCKED onto its balls AND a 2-way babymonitor set up out in the garage so we can literally torment and talk to her slave at the same time- while we relax upstairs in the comfortable air conditioning!  Carmela LOVES it!


We proceed to take turns sending shocks to its balls and laughing our asses off as we watch Carmela's slave flop around like an electrocuted fish in its cage!  LOL!!!  And the poor slave has no idea when the next one is coming- or how powerful it will be.  (Or how long we will decide to hold our finger down on the button, for that matter!)  And this shocker goes all the way up to "15" and can REALLY send some serious voltage!  We shock him so bad that he starts banging himself onto the cage bars and starts to leak the red stuff out of his bald skull!  Haha!!


We start talking to it through the 2-way speaker and making it beg us for mercy...and even start playing mental games with him while we laugh at his agony!  It is completely at our mercy.  We even make it guess who is shocking it- and if it gets it wrong, it gets shocked AGAIN!  OMG it is fucking hilarious to watch it flail around in its cage at a simple push of a button!


And again, this is all 100% REAL.  You can see what level we set the remote control to, you can hear the slave screaming for mercy on our monitor, and you can even see it JUMP within a second or so whenever we push the button.  (There is just like a 1-second delay or so, as the signal goes out to the garage, and the monitor sends the video footage back to us, etc.  But you can tell this is totally real.)


And yes, the slave really was BEGGING us to stop about halfway through this video...but we kept going anyway...LOL!  



-Goddess Platinum

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This clip is hilarious. I have my personal real-life slave restrained out in the garage (where I keep him most of the time) up against a pole. His precious little cock-n-balls are pulled out and stretched across a table so I can literally walk all over them in my stiletto boots. The funny part is that this slave is SOOOoooo concerned about his precious little balls that he is literally scared for his life. He has some sort of "phobia" about his balls being damaged- which I think is just fucking hilarious. And he has felt my wrath so many times in the past (yes, in real life- not in videos) that he knows what I am capable of. So he thinks this will like literally be the "end" for his tiny little manhood. HAHA To be honest, I am barely touching his cock n balls in a lot of this clip. But he is just SO scared of being this helpless and even the "threat" of what might happen to his little nuggets- that he literally paasses out! LOL! We have to cut the video, unlock him from his restraints, lay him on the ground, and then the clip opens up again with me standing over him as he FINALLY comes to- and sees his pissed off Princess standing over him lol.

*This video isn't really that "painful" but it might be good for those of you that want to see a slave that is legitimately just SUPER scared of having its little balls damaged.*

-Princess Carmela

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Princess Ashley and Princess Chanel have the slave's balls tied up with string in a manner that allows them to hang fishing weights from his balls! The weights come in various sizes so they can keep adding more and more weight from a few ounces to a few pounds. Princess Ashley and Princess Chanel take turns hanging weights from the slave’s balls. They make the slave thank them each time they hang another weight from his balls and make him kiss their feet in gratitude. They make the slave crawl around on his knees so the weights hanging from his balls will swing back and forth. Not satisfied with that they make the slave shake his butt from side to side so the weights swing around even more. No matter how much weight they add the slave has to keep the weights from resting on the ground. When they have added like 15lbs the slave is unable to stand up because he can’t lift the weight so he is handcuffed overhead and forced to remain in a standing position with the heavy weights hanging from his balls until they decide to let him go.

Princess Ashley and Princess Chanel don’t care at all about the slave’s balls and enjoy mocking his pain. “Aww, do your balls hurt? Do you want us to take the weights off? Well too bad I don’t think the weights are heavy enough! I think we should put another one on him! How about this big one that weighs three pounds?? After all, Our goal is to see if we can rip his balls off!”

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The Mean Girls just received a new gift from one their slaves. It’s a “ball parachute” that you can hang weights from or pull on and it will squeeze tighter and tighter around the balls trapped inside. But this isn’t a typical ball parachute this one is even more sinister because the inside is lined with spikes! The Mean Girls love having slave contests so they thought it would be really fun to make the slaves play ball tug-of-war while wearing the spiked ball parachutes! Duchess Dani has the younger smaller slave representing her and Queen Quenzi has the bigger but older slave. Each of them wants their slave to be the winner. To motivate them to pull their hardest the winning slave gets a reward like the chance to kiss his owners ass and the losing slave will be punished. The same slave keeps winning the ball tug-of-war contest so they decide to make it best 4 out of 5. The slave that keeps losing is yelled at by the Mean Girls including Princess Bella and Princess Aria watching off camera. They keep telling him what a pussy he is and to just pull harder! It’s like they don’t even care about how much it hurts his balls or how painful the spikes must be. They just want to see an entertaining contest! I love how the Mean Girls can be so casually cruel like this devising new ways to torture the slaves just for their own entertainment. 

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Princess Carmela and the other Mean Girls rule their slaves with an iron fist. The slave’s lives are filled with long hours of difficult work and when they’re not busy working they are beaten regularly as punishment or just for fun. So Princess Carmela thought she would be nice for a change and grant one of her well behaved slaves a very rare reward and allow him to kneel before her and actually jerkoff at her feet. Of course being a Mean Girl there was one little catch. Princess Carmela has a ball shocker strapped around the slave’s nuts to make sure he doesn’t have too much fun while jerking off. Just when the slave is starting to really enjoy his jerk off time she zaps him with the ball shocker. Princess Carmela has no intention of actually letting the slave cum. She lets him stroke for longer and longer intervals but every time he gets close she zaps his nuts again driving the slave crazy and ruining it for him! The slave can’t stand it but Princess Carmela loves using the ball shocker on her slave and thinks it’s hilarious. Princess Carmela knows exactly what she is doing but acts all innocent when mocking the slave by wondering aloud why he isn’t coming at her feet when finally given the chance to jerk off. 

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A GOOD slave from AmericanMeanGirls sent us a new toy in the mail. And we like gifts and toys. So we dug up this loser from whatever pit he was in and chained him to Princess Chanel's furniture to try the toy. It's such a cute little cbt strap...perfect for weights and full of all sorts of pretty little spikes. Princess Chanel's got absolutely NO mercy. She wants multiple weights hanging from the spiked strap at once to test whether the gift is good or not. So much so the stupid slob is crying, begging her to stop. But if its one thing we HATE, its bitchass slaves telling us what to do. That's just not tolerated, period. So Princess Chanel will stop hanging weights from your stupid balls when she feels like it, not when you cry and scream demanding her to stop. It just makes it worse, don't you know? HA!

* To download this individual clip, click the "Add to Cart" button. (All clips are only $10.)

***This is being written by the new "clip description slave" that has been commanded to watch all Mean Girls' clips and do all their writeups from now on because they shouldn’t have to do their own writeups. This is how I serve because I cannot live at Mean Girl Manor.  I am to watch, review, and give a complete and fair description of each clip from a slave perspective to all potential clip-buyers before deciding to make their purchase.***

Princess Carmela and Princess Beverly tell the slave they are going to play a little game. He may not like the game but they sure will. The slave is on his hands and knees with a cinderblock tied to his balls! The slave has to crawl toward Princess Carmela as fast as he possibly can while pulling the cinderblock behind him with his balls. There is no way for the slave to win the game as the slave is told the sooner you get there the faster you get kicked in the balls. Is that really a reward? I think the Mean Girls just wanted to see what would happen if they made a slave drag a cinderblock around by his balls so they came up with this “game”.

Princess Beverly is standing behind the slave with a flogger to see how fast she can force him to move forward. As the slave begins to move forward slowly dragging the block a few inches at a time Princess Beverly flogs him from behind commanding him to move faster! The slave can’t see behind him and several times without the slaves knowledge Princess Beverly steps on the cinderblock with her boot making it impossible for the slave to drag it forward. The clueless slave pulls with all his might until his balls are about to fall off while the Mean Girls just laugh. If you are a slave at Mean Girl Manor and they ask you if you want to play a game be careful. Somehow around Mean Girl Manor all the games seem to involve abusing a slaves balls for their entertainment. Overall, on a "slave scale" of 1-10, I give it an "8.5."

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This stupid slave was sitting around and we found a new torture device for us to use on him. Princess Beverly and I squeeze his nuts with this clapper or nut cracker thing, LOL. While his balls are sitting there squeezed and helpless I smack them with my paddle! We found this new device sooo funny and we were very satisfied in the pain we infected as we left him there in agony, LOL.

Princess Bella and Princess Beverly

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This was hilarious. Bella and I were on one side of Mean Girl Manor and needed to get aaaalll the way to the other side. But we didnt feel like walking! So we decided to hook up one of the slaves to our Castration Chariot! LOL (We call it that because its connected to the slaves BALLS- and if the slave pulls hard enoughlol!)

To be honest, this is really just kind of a behind-the-scenes clip that shows us just having fun and laughing at the slaves expense. You can see all the lights up in the background n sh*t cuz its a filming day for us and we make its loser ass pull us all throughout the Manor- even outside! Haha. The best part is when it runs over like some thick carpeting or something and our chariot gets stuck (with BOTH of us on the chariot of course- cuz we dont give a fuck about how hard it is for the slave lol.) and the slave cant pull it anymore- and we just whip the fuck out of it! Hahaha. So it has a choice of pulling us over the obstacle, orripping his balls off in the process! LOL

It really is SOOO much fun being a Mean Girl! :)

-Princess Carmela

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We get slaves here all the time that want to "try" our ballshocker on and see if they can take it. If they do as we say (send a picture of their ID for Our safety and a small deposit to show that they are serious) we allow them to come over and tryout to be one of our video slaves. This slave was one of those who actually did as he was told. So me n Adrianna strap the shocker on him and have some fun. Poor slave was like in total agony. That thing apparently hurt waaay more than he was expecting haha. But before we started, we made sure to handcuff his hands behind his back so that once he found out how much it hurts his balls he could NOT take it off!!! (Aren't we cruel Mean Girls...???) :)

And this was all done btw just to "tenderize" his balls before we punch them over and over in the next clip! LOL

-Princess Kendall

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