Human Fart Vacuum
This was hilarious. In the previous video ("Mean Step-Family") we explained to this pathetic loser little boy that his new role in our newly formed step-family is to be a BITCH-SLAVE for me n My daughter to use however we want and then we spend some time abusing him to put him in his place so he fully understands his new role. We even farted in his face once or twice to REALLY fucking humiliate him!
Now in THIS video we actually make a conscious EFFORT to SPECIFICALLY launch raunchy FARTS right into his face! HAHA!! Can you imagine??? Having to let other people just FART right in your face and LAUGH at you?? Well that is going to be this loser's LIFE from now on. LOL. Who knows, we might even fart right in his face at the dinner table in front of his FATHER at some point! And we will ALL laugh at him! LOL!
There are a few breaks in the action where we take some time to build up some more "gas" for this bitch to inhale. Then Randi makes the most HILARIOUS joke I've ever heard- she says she is going to use her step-brother as her own personal fart-vacuum from now on! She is going to literally make him attach his mouth to her ass, create a nice seal with his lips and command him to INHALE as she is farting!!! So her fart goes directly into his lungs and she doesn't have to smell it! GENIUS! And a perfect use for this retardd. THEN SHE GIVES A DEMONSTRATION OF HER NEW "INVENTION"!
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