Making My Almost Step-Dad A Slave (AMG exclusive!)
Goddess Reign has officially broken up her mom and her mom’s boyfriend. Her mom’s ex boyfriend has been made her personal slave! (Like how big of a fucking loser do you need to be!?!) Goddess Reign keeps this loser slave in a hole under the stairs and only pulls it out when she wants to use for doing her chores or something. Reign’s mom gave a list of chores for her to complete why she is gone, but obviously a goddess never does chores herself…. That’s where this old fucking loser comes in handy.
Reign drags this slave on a leash and commands it to complete the list of chores that her mother gave her. If being a slave to your ex girlfriends super young and hot bratty daughter wasn’t bad enough, just wait til you see the chores this simp has to complete! Hahahahahaha Imagine being so fucking old and pathetic that the best thing in your life is being used and degraded by a girl a quarter of your age! :P Funny enough, most of these chores involve cleaning up after his ex’s NEW lover! LOL (Not to mention that we had to tape this OLD MAN’S knees, cause he kept cutting them open, EW! LOL)
- Princess Amber