Shockingly Slow Senior Slave
This pathetic piece of shittt is the most useless thing for any task that isn't just beating it's stupid head in... sure it's useful to beat on, but trying to get it to come when I need it and to be attentive when I want something is a near monumental task... I grab the bell it is supposed to respond to in an attempt to call for it, and no surprise, the idiot is nowhere to be found... he's slowly off doing some bullshit that is of no use to anyone, when it finally gets a jolt from its almost imbedded ball shocker, it comes running... once this stupid thing is finally in My presence I just lay into it with the verbal abuse and as much physical pain as I can administer to this MORON by shocking it's stupid little nuts over and over with the stubborn doggie shock collar I have strapped to it's worthless sac of beans and baby weenie... LOL...... stupid fuck.... Just get the clip and watch as I fuck this piece of garbage up for being such a truly useless and shockingly slow and stupid senior citizen slave old ass....
$$$ Goddess Draya $$$