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Knee To The Love Sack

This poor slave has the unfortunate situation of falling in love with me.  Too bad, so sad.  It happens to these losers all the time.  They serve me and I treat them like DOGGSHTT- and yet they STILL fall in love with me. Its like they just can't help it.  I guess I really AM just that beautiful though.  So i guess its not really all that surprising.

So when I hear this loser whimpering at my feet and saying something about how he "loves me"- I just can't help but take advantage of it.  I decide to make him stand up and spread his legs so I can get niiice and close to him...until he is just sooo hot and bothered...and I am whispering in his ear, asking him about how much he "loves me", and then...WHAM!  I bring my knee up as hard as I can up into his balls!  Haha!!!

He keeps crumpling at my feet each time I slam my knee into his pathetic slave-balls, but instead of breaking his "love" for me, he just keeps groveling at my feet and STILL professing his "love" for me!  Which just makes me laugh in his face, quite honestly.

Over & over I keep dragging him to his feet, looking deep into his eyes, and as he pours his heart out about how much he "loves me"- I lean in nice and close, and just as I am giving him just a glimmer of hope that I may actually return his feelings for me...I SLAM my knee into his balls again!  It is just so funny...I can't stop doing it!

About halfway through the clip I decide to up the ante, so to speak.  I add this little "spiked knee brace" thing to my outfit- and I make the slave look nice and close at it.  I make him feel how sharp the spikes are and ask him if he STILL loves me and if he will really endure "anything" just to be around me- no matter how badly I treat him.  To my surprise, he STILL says "yes!"  This is seriously like SO pathetic.  At this point, I figure this old loser deservesto be treated like this.

I look into his eyes and literally tell him to his face that I think he is PATHETIC for being "in love" with a girl half his age- and I SLAM my knee up into his balls again and LAUGH in his face as he goes down in a heap at my feet.  And guess what?  He STILL kisses my feet and prefosses his "undying love" for me!  Haha!!

There is apparently no end to this.  I can treat this gray-bearded old loser like absolute dirt and he will just put up with it no matter what.  And that is exactly what I will do!  Why?  Because I am a spoiled brat, that's why.  And because I CAN.

It must really suck to have your feelings toyed with like this by an 18 year old brat- and not be able to do anything about it except keep letting her walk all over you. You losers all all so pathetic lol.

-Princess Amber

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