Ok, a little about ME. (My fav subject!) :) I LOVE abusing slaves, OBVIOUSLY. Most importantly though I love being SPOILED and SERVED by them!! That is what you losers are FOR, right?? So I have a few that spoil Me now, but I of course am always looking for MORE. So if you want to get My attention, go to My WOSHLIST and send Me a GIFT, dumdum! And make sure you include a giftnote with it so I knwo who its from! I get LOTS of gifts from losers all the time. So you NEED to tell me who it is from! And if they don't offer that option on Amazon, just send a message through the site here. It will get to Me eventually and I will contact you.
And I have a BUNCH of wishlists, losers!! So you need to buy Me something off them ALL! Here are the links to each of them:
- My "Stuff I Want Right Fuckin NOW" Wishlist
- My Shoes Wishlist! (Duh)
- My "Dazzle Me" Wishlist (Jewelry)
- My "Keep Me Beautiful" Wishlist (Makeup n stuff)
- My "Dress Me Up" Wishlist (Dresses, clothes, etc.)
- My Lingerie Wishlist
As for fetish stuff, my fav is probably using slaves as human furniture and especially sitting on slave's faces and feeling them pass out underneath Me. LOL That's the best. Total power trip! And I like the way slaves basically just drool over My perfect ass anyway. SO pathetic. but funny too. Oh and I don't really like footworship too much. But I LOVE new shoes!! So get on it, boys!! New shoes for Princess EVERY FUCKING DAY! LOL